You could easily set up a small colony of leaopards in that size tank! Just make sure that if your going to have males, only get the 1 so to not have the worry of dominance fighting
Females all live happily together, and they are great things! Had a couple but they have all sadly passed due to age. But just make sure its Leopard and not Tokay! Dam them things are evil when they get a bite on you haha!
I wouldnt go for a bearded really, they prefer larger areas, plus they eat larger insects which can become very expensive unless you have a good supplier. Some places charge a fortune for Locusts and you only get 6, thats only 1 feeding! Although the advantage of Beardies over Gheckos is that Gheckos need live food for life, whereas once a beardie becomes an adult, they tend to eat veg more
Although Gheckos do not need a UV light as most are nocturnal, whereas a beardie needs it for life or it will develop MBD which is not a pretty thing! Ive seen the outcome of MBD and its heartbreaking!!! Also, beardies are better in solitary, whereas gheckos can live with others of the same sex, unless they are male...Beardies are mainly loaners, although some disagree, but i dont believe in having more than 1 as it can lead to more trouble than its worth!
Also, check out corn snakes, or even a childrens python, they are fantastic temperament snakes and are better for beginners than Royals, although Royals are my preferred snake hence why I own 1!
Females all live happily together, and they are great things! Had a couple but they have all sadly passed due to age. But just make sure its Leopard and not Tokay! Dam them things are evil when they get a bite on you haha!
I wouldnt go for a bearded really, they prefer larger areas, plus they eat larger insects which can become very expensive unless you have a good supplier. Some places charge a fortune for Locusts and you only get 6, thats only 1 feeding! Although the advantage of Beardies over Gheckos is that Gheckos need live food for life, whereas once a beardie becomes an adult, they tend to eat veg more
Although Gheckos do not need a UV light as most are nocturnal, whereas a beardie needs it for life or it will develop MBD which is not a pretty thing! Ive seen the outcome of MBD and its heartbreaking!!! Also, beardies are better in solitary, whereas gheckos can live with others of the same sex, unless they are male...Beardies are mainly loaners, although some disagree, but i dont believe in having more than 1 as it can lead to more trouble than its worth!
Also, check out corn snakes, or even a childrens python, they are fantastic temperament snakes and are better for beginners than Royals, although Royals are my preferred snake hence why I own 1!