What Pellets Do You Feed Your Bettas?


Fish Gatherer
Jan 31, 2005
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I'm just looking on ebay for some betta food, theres quite a few on there but not sure which one to go for, there's this one called SAYURI GOLD (BETTA).
Have you heard of this?, it says that it's used all over japan, asia and all over the pacific ocean regions as their main betta food. which costs £2.50 for 35grms.


should i go for Hikari betta bio-gold which is £7.78 :unsure:

Are their others that you use?
i feed my boys hikari betta gold... i do believe if i'm not mistaken that the majority of betta owners ont his site also feed their fish hikari betta gold :)
mine love them, but I struggle to get them, usually buy 4 packets when I see them :hyper: :hyper: I got some pink betta food and they wont touch it... :crazy:
i know of some betta's who are very picky when it comes to food.... :p my friend's betta wouldnt touch it... but he eats it now :p

the hikari food is smaller than some of the pellets that you can get out there..... but it's worth the money. it helps with color enhancement
I managed to find some Atison's Betta Pro. Once they get a taste of that, nothing else will do! :drool:

I paid $10 for a container but I will probably need to leave it to someone in my will as it lasts and lasts.. :p
I use Hikari Betta Bio Gold and Hikari Cichlid Gold Pellets(baby), No Fighters refused these yet.
Hikari Betta bio gold here too. I got mine from ebay, two packets for less than £4 which will last me over 6 months!

I've heard really good things about attisons too. Again, I've seen it on ebay but its a bit more expensive.

Mine are also on Hikari Betta Gold and love it. Can't remember how much it was but we get it from the pet shop up the road.
Betta Bio Gold here too...

I got mine for about £1.50 in Pets@Home, so they aren't bad for everything :lol:
One of mine likes the Hikari pellets, but one won't touch them. They both eat Tetra Betta food, so that's what I generally give them.
Betta Bio Gold here too...

I got mine for about £1.50 in Pets@Home, so they aren't bad for everything :lol:

ditto to shrimper... £1.50 for betta bio gold at pets at home. It is a very tiny packet (2.5g) but unless you have a lot of bettas it lasts quite a while since they aren't exactly massive eaters.
Hikari betta bio-gold pellets all the way. I don't know what it is about those pellets but they just gobble them up.

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