what other fish can i put in my tank


Fish Herder
Jan 13, 2005
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it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission
please can anyone tell me what other fish i can put in my 2ft tank. at the moment we have got 1 8" catfish we are not sure what type it is but we think it is one of these 3
synodontis acanthomias
synodontis bastian
synodontis shall

we know he likes neons thats why now has a tank of his own :crazy:

If i was you id remove that fish and see if you can find an LFS to take him as he is too big for a 2ft tank and will probably stil grow a little bit. If you do this you then have an empty aquarium and so the choices are greatly increased. You could opt for the dwarf ancistrus plec and im sure other people will suggest some more options...
Hiya, welcome n nice ta meet ya!

Well its true, that cat may get a little too big, some synos get huge! But if ya looking for some companions try some of these:

Praeceox Rainbows
Corydoras species
African Butterfly Fish
Tiger barbs
COngo Tetras (they get bigger than ur average neon dont worry ;) )
possibly some gouramis (dwarf neon i would suggest)

Hope this helps, by the way where ya from, i would offer something/trade for that cat, i dont have one yet :-D

If you trad in at an lfs try getting some upside down catfish (syno. nigreventis)
Oddball said:
Hiya, welcome n nice ta meet ya!

Well its true, that cat may get a little too big, some synos get huge! But if ya looking for some companions try some of these:

Praeceox Rainbows
Corydoras species
African Butterfly Fish
Tiger barbs
COngo Tetras (they get bigger than ur average neon dont worry ;) )
possibly some gouramis (dwarf neon i would suggest)

Hope this helps, by the way where ya from, i would offer something/trade for that cat, i dont have one yet :-D

If you trad in at an lfs try getting some upside down catfish (syno. nigreventis)
We did buy this as a syno nig but i guess the guy in the shop got it wrong, i'm in northwich in cheshire
just a wee bit too far erm..............

Ah well, its true that a lot of catfish are flasley sold as USDs and most of them get a LOT bigger than the USD! ah well thanx for ur time devil, good luck with the catfish, let meknow what ya decide, just thought of another tank mate, try banjo catfish, possibly even a species of panchax if you can get hold of them!
Failing this the Polkadot loach os proving very popular at this moment in time!
We have decided to keep the monster, our little girl (2yrs old) has fell in love it and called it moke'. I was thinking of putting some loaches in with him but want some really interesting ones, we have already got clown, yo-yo and tigerloaches in the other tank but don't really want to move them ones. Our clown loach is nearly 5" long and i don't want to risk white spot again :crazy: :rofl:

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