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Dec 20, 2012
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I have owned goldfish since I was four when my dad had a big tank, but I'm now 13 and I wanted to know whether there is any different cold water fish that I could try because goldfish are quite boring to me now. I don't exactly want live bearers because of the amount they breed so is there any other fish I could try? Thanks for anyone who replies
get live bearers, to make them not breed only get males!
Zebra Danio's are sometimes used in cold water tanks, they would probably not appreciate it too nippy though so you would have to look into it.
Forgive me for sounding all preachy but converting to tropical is really not that difficult and it shouldn't break the bank either, it would open up a whole new world of options regarding stocking.
Thanks, I'm not certain about live bearers because in my pet store I think they are all mixed but I might give it a try. I was thinking about getting the equipment to make a tropical aquarium but I don't have a lot of money to spend right at this moment but it is a good idea, thanks again :)
Another question if I was to get minnows how do I look after them? Ive just tried finding research but there isn't a lot to go by. anyone help
Thanks, I'm not certain about live bearers because in my pet store I think they are all mixed but I might give it a try. I was thinking about getting the equipment to make a tropical aquarium but I don't have a lot of money to spend right at this moment but it is a good idea, thanks again :)

The only difference is a heater and you can get one on ebay for less than £10! Do it, you wll be glad you did!
How big is your tank, OP? White clouds are lovely fish, but they do need quite a lot of swimming room; three feet would be ok.
My tank is about a foot and a half, I do have a much bigger tank but it's currently occupied by three goldfish but once the grow too big for the tank they will be getting put into my uncles pond, and that tank is about 2-3foot but I'm not certain.

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