What Now ?

Ruby Slippers

New Member
Sep 25, 2003
Reaction score
East sussex. UK
:rolleyes: Ok I have resolved my fighter problem my friend is going to Introduce him to her tank. I just need some advice on what types of fishys I can add to my tank. Again it a 100litre tank with the following in it;

2 common leopard pleccos
Male & Female Dwarf Gouramis
Female Siamese Fighter
6 silvertip neons

Not much for a largeish tank I have lots of nice healthy plants, some rocks and I put it through a 5 week cycle. I would love to introduced some Knife fish, rams and dwarf puffers but, not sure of the compatablity ?

Any Advice Greatly welcome :thumbs:

puffers are generally best kept in a tank of their own with their own species, as they can be quite aggressive and tend to hodl grudges against other fish that may annoy them, we have some balloon rams in our tanks , and they are great little community fish, but we had 2 males in a tank together and they ended up fighting and seriously injuring each other all the time,but they are oki with themselves, and maybe a male female ratio, though Im not sure cos we only have 2 males.
Dont know about the knife fish. domt and never have had any.
check out some sites and do a bit of research .
I want some dwarf puffers too, but need to have them in a whole seperate tank, and we already have 3 tanks! :wub:


Knife fish are predators and if you add one to your tank your tetras will soon start disapearing, they also grow too large for a 100litre tank.
Everything starry said is true so i wont comment further.

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