What now, complete restart?

Forgot to mention esha hexamite, could use that one.
I do have a free 50ish liter tank I am washing right now, since I plan to make it a paludarium, because I dont trust it will hold the water permanently, so possibly I could make it a sort of quarantine just for the tetras and do a treatment there, but then for how long, and wont the parazite be present in the main tank too?
Also which medicine to chose and or combine and for how long
But, you know what, I decided to use the herbs I posted about in the previous post, I will use a garlic soaked food to boost the fish and will see.
I now have no fish that is actively showing any signs of parasites, so will see if boosting their immune system and gut microbes (hello bananas) will do any good.
Luckily the tetras are the only overfed things in the fishtank, eating absolutely everything

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