well ill be the mediater(sp) since i do both tanks and say both are rather challenging so we can stop the smack talk and stay on topic
ive got a book that lists things to avoid they might have already been listed but ill list em anyways, note that some entries are simply because they are a bit tricky for newbies, ill pint em out if i note them:
Magnificent sea anemone, will just waste away without good care, alternative would be bubble tips
corkscrew anemone, needs expert care
tube anemones, similar to aips in which they are total pests most of the time
green brittle star, fish eater
carnation coral, very hard to take care of and waste away in even supossedley well suited aquariums
colored tree coral, same as carnation essentially
flowerpot coral, needs expert care due to diet (again like i mentioned above)
sun coral, does not require light but needs to be fed (this would be one that i mentioned)
hairy legged hermits, grow large and will prey on nearly everything if its small enough. suited for species tanks
horse-shoe crabs, need open fields of sand and large tanks, can get wedged inbetween rocks or starve very easily
sally light foot crab, larger they get more predatory they become
spider decorator crab, decimates reefs, but suitablefor species tanks
feather stars, almost impossible to keep as they are very selective filter feeders
lettuce slug, need lots of food to survive, but are generally easy compared to slugs
caulerpa, extremely invasive
elephant ear mushroom, known to have eaten many a clownfish, good for species tank tho
Phillidia varicosa, if it gets hurt or dies, itll nuke the tank
nudibranch, generally toxic, and typically starve in tanks
blue ring octopus,nuff said
sea apple, look like something out of avatar, this cucumber generally starves in a tank and itll take everyhting else with it.
sea pens, require DSBs and target feeding
most sea stars, starvation, the best choice would be a spotted linckia if reefers wish to attempt stars
crown of thorns, gigantic starfish that eats polyps
catalina peppermint shrimp, need cooler temps,and willnot eat aiptasia
bumblebee snail, not algae eaters, they are carnivores and sometimeseven hunt other snails (again i think this would be an exception)
cone shells, have the ability to kill a human in 3 minutes, fish in even less time
flamingo tongue, eats polyps and fancies gorgonians
margarita snails, cold water snails only
tritons trumpet, this thing eats crown of thorns starfish, eats sleeping fish and has toxic saliva, and it gets 2' ,could be kept in species only but best left in the wild
sponges, difficult to care for, (nother exception)
spanish dancer, 2' monsters that eat eat sponges, species only but best left alone
fire urchins, not suitable for unknowing aquarists or kids, the colors are there for a reason.
longspined urchins, need big aquariums and can cause pain from stings
slate pencil urchin, bulldozers, either superglue everything or give it a species tank
hoped this helped