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New Member
May 1, 2005
Reaction score
Leeds, UK

I've got a 10G tank and currently have 5 Neon Tetras in there, in about 2 weeks i'm wanting to buy another 2-3 fish but am not sure what would go best with the tetras within my smal ish tank....

so guys, what do you recommend? :D

Cheers, Mike
Corys, harlequins, black neons.
If you have any algae, otocinclus is awesome, but you need at least three. I'd get another neon too. They really do prefer at least six and they are low waste producers.
Try a single dwarf gourmai, they stay small and look great plus they would get on really well with your neons.
Either 4-6 pygmy cories OR a couple of honey gouramies. I'd also add another neon or even 2 if you go with the honeys (not dwarfs BTW - honeys are colisa chuna/sota and are a little smaller than dwarfs which are colisa lalia). You could also go for 3 pygmy cories and a single honey if you wanted.

i think a few honey goriamis and kissing gouriamis will do but listen to the others, get 1 or 2 more tetras if you go for these.
thanks guys, will take your advice regarding getting another neon tetra or 2.

off the my LFS today to see what they have got in and if there are any of the fish you all suggested :) :)
Sorry, but disagree with the suggestion of kissing gourami from Soph - they do grow BIG, way too big for your tank. Though personally, I do think they're lovely....
soph said:

i think a few honey goriamis and kissing gouriamis will do but listen to the others, get 1 or 2 more tetras if you go for these.
I also would advise against the kissing gourami, they commonly get to around 8", way too big for your tank
in my opinion i think u should add a few bottom feeders like cory cats and maybe a male betta
also maybe a pair of pearl guoramis

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