I've got a 75g tank that recently became available (returned all the cichlids because we were bored). It's got a lot of holey rock at the bottom, and a very tall piece of drift wood on one side, that provides a decent amount of space for things to hide. It's currently got a 7" fire eel and a 5" ornate bichir. So, my question is, what next? I read CFC's profile of the false saimese tiger, and would love to get one of those (it said minimum 75g for a single adult), but would it be ok if I got it small, to grow out with the fire eel and bichir? Also, these fish may be moving to a 180g+ in a year or so. I think they'll be fine in the 75g until then, and maybe for life (the fire eel concerns me a bit). Anyway, any advice is appreciated. Thanks!