What next? WHAAAAAAT NEXT?!?!


Fish Aficionado
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Near Madison, WI
If it's not one thing it's another.
Amos, overnight, has now become covered in ick. He's only been in his new tank for 4 days - I need some advice.
There's a bio wheel filter in his tank (as I mentioned it's been running w/seeded bacteria only since the day I put him in the tank - 4 days ago) - should I just take out the carbon and keep the filter going, then put in the meds for ick? Or what??
What are the readings for the tank? (ie.- ammonia, nitrite, nitrate) It could be that he is stressed because he is used to perfect water when the tank is going through a small cycle. I would use a medication called "Maracide" to treat him. I used it when my crowntail betta had ich (he had it before I brought him home). It works wonderfully! He didn't even lose his appetite during the treatment. The thing I like best about it, is that if your carbon filter is of a certain number of days old, you don't have to remove it! (For the life of me, I can't remember how many days it is.) Anyway... its your choice as far as medication, but that's what I recommend. Hope he is feeling better soon! :thumbs:
Ammonia is at zero (YAY!)
NitrAtes are at 20
NitrItes are at 0

I also got a piece of foam last night so shove into the intake tube to slow down his filter.
I see that he's got some stress lines on his side so I'm going to get that done pronto and do a partial water change before I run out and get his meds.

I'll also run out and pick up that maracide over lunch.

OH... and it does look like he is also developing popeye.
His filter is 4 days old so I'm gonna rip the carbon out and get him some meds today.
jeez, the fun never stops.
BettaMomma said:
Yep, ESPECIALLY since I also have another little guy that isn't improving. :no:
Aw sorry to hear that, is he still nipping at his own tail? I got really worried lastnight when I fed the male betta his first pea. He tore it up and loved it but soon after he swam to the bottom and kind of layed there sort of on his side. I don't know if he was looking for more or if the pea made him ill. Then I added a couple bloodworms and he went straight for the top to chow them down. Now he is doing great so I guess he was just resting after taking in a whole pea! :lol:

Hope your boys get better soon. :thumbs:
He's not eating anymore of his tail, because he's eaten so much off that he can't reach it anymore. Then there's the ick. And the stress lines.

Then there's Jasper who seems fine one minute, then the next minute I look in and he's doing his twirly swim. then he goes ballistic and he smashes into everything in sight. He's now ripped his bottom fin to shreds.

thank GOD that Archie and Harvey (Well, Harvey still has weird eyes but...) are healthy and happy. They're both building bubble nests like crazy, eat like hogs and are all around happy.

On a good note regarding Amos, he is still hungry as a pig and active. Over lunch today I'm going to get him meds for the ick and the popeye and rip the carbon out. AND - his bubble nest isi monstrous. He was a busy boy during the night. I guess he was bored because he doesn't have any more tail to eat. lol
BettaMomma said:
He's not eating anymore of his tail, because he's eaten so much off that he can't reach it anymore. Then there's the ick. And the stress lines.

Then there's Jasper who seems fine one minute, then the next minute I look in and he's doing his twirly swim. then he goes ballistic and he smashes into everything in sight. He's now ripped his bottom fin to shreds.

thank GOD that Archie and Harvey (Well, Harvey still has weird eyes but...) are healthy and happy. They're both building bubble nests like crazy, eat like hogs and are all around happy.

On a good note regarding Amos, he is still hungry as a pig and active. Over lunch today I'm going to get him meds for the ick and the popeye and rip the carbon out. AND - his bubble nest isi monstrous. He was a busy boy during the night. I guess he was bored because he doesn't have any more tail to eat. lol
My male betta has never made a bubble nest. I am thinking it is because the filter may be too strong. Should I tie like a nylon panty hose around the filter intake? I have ghost shrimp in there so I need so run the filter for them I think.
Amos makes his bubble nest right by where the filter kicks the water out.
I'm suspecting that it's cuz he's ticked off that the water keeps gushing out and wanted to show it who is boss. lol

I'm going to shove some sponge up into the intake filter to slow down the filter.
It took all my boys a looong time before they built nests. The day I see Jasper build one I'm going to do the happy dance (it's highly unlikely anytime soon, tho). I had to work a long time to get the parameters just right for them to build nests.

I have come to somewhat of a conclusion.
The enfironment where the boys i have had seems to be happiest in is a 2.5 or 3 gallon unfiltered tank, heated to about 78 degrees with some silk or live plants to hang around in/on. they also like a little hidey area. Going forward, I'll probably forego getting anything bigger than a 3 gallon just because of the current/filter issue.

Just what I have discovered.
The ick is proabably coming from a weakened immune system from being stressed (ie the bitten off tail).

I've had alot of luck with Aquarisol in treating ICK, but everyone has their own treatment they prefer.

Okay... anyway, here's what I've done for Amos:
I just cut the filter open and removed the carbon.
Dumped in the Maracide.
I'm now going to toss a little salt in the tank, too.
THEN i'm going to stuff the sponge piece into his intake tube to slow down the flow of the filter.
He only tolerates me stickin my hands in the tank for so long then he gets mad.
I'm giving him a break right now.

I'd have to say that I totally agree with the fact that he's probably really stressed out because of the new environment. I'm seriously considering dumping the whole filter system and just going back to 100% water changes every so often in the 5 gallon tank. Not sure that the filter is even worth the benefit it brings, considering all the hassles it's caused.

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