What New Fish To Get?


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Jul 10, 2007
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I have a 55 gallon aquarium. The tank consists of rocks fake plants and live plants. I only have 1 african brown knife, 1 albino rainbow shark, and 1 catfish/shark. What new fish should i get that cannot outgrow the tank but is as fun as an arawana.
I'm not sure what to suggest but I don't think you want to add a RTBS with the rainbow already in the tank. That could be a disaster as sharks will not tolerate their own species. When you say catfish/shark, are you talking about an iridescent shark? Those things get huge, up to 48" and will definitely outgrow your tank.
doesnt matter if it is a top or bottom dweller. no its not a iredescent shark. but umm, something that is fun to look at..and something that eats feeders.
Get Barbs; green barbs, tigger barbs, albino tiggers they are all gr8 to watch get a good group of about 6 as they can be a bit agressive but not as agressive as ciclids jut be carfull cos they are attracted to bright colours and will go for long tails and fins. they will mince fighters (betta) and guppies.
i have a 4 foot/156 litre tank with 2 silver dollars about 1 year old and 3 severom golds about 8 months old, i am looking to put some electric yellows or some other sort of cool looking cichlids in with them, any suggestions?
Frozen food costs equally as much as live, just putting that out there.

Parrots are neat, they can be shy, but once they warm up to you and your tank they become the center of attention.
Frozen food costs equally as much as live, just putting that out there.

Parrots are neat, they can be shy, but once they warm up to you and your tank they become the center of attention.

can frozen foods hurt our fish if u put the frozen food in before it is unfrozen and they eat it?
Its a matter that is still discussed, there are many who believe that an undefrosted cube will add extra filth to the water, and it is also suggested that the ice crystals in undefrosted food can sometimes pierce the stomachs of fish.
There isn't any evidence that i've seen that suggest the second is true, but realistically considering the effort involved in defrosting the food, you may as well play it safe...
I rinse the frozen food in a fine sieve under the tap, obviously i lose some food, but alot of this (IMO) would only end up getting lost in the tank, its better down the plug than in your substrate rotting away.
Edited due to pedantism...
I have a 55 gallon aquarium. The tank consists of rocks fake plants and live plants. I only have 1 african brown knife, 1 albino rainbow shark, and 1 catfish/shark. What new fish should i get that cannot outgrow the tank but is as fun as an arawana.

Bala / silver shark?! I also have an albino rainbow shark, and it really annoys me that everyone always says that they will kill each other...but i have 2 silvers and 1 albino rainbow, and they are really good friends.....so go 4 it! hey are really cool! Did u know that silver sharks are also an endangered spiecies!? pretty cool hah?, so if u get em` u r saving the spiecies from extinction!!! :good:
I hope it is not a bala, cuz eventually it will need a larger tank. Bala's also don't look much like a catfish and they are endangered in some parts of the world. Yet, balas come from farms and they are considered different from the wild stock.

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