What Minimum Does A Snail Need?


Fish Herder
Aug 28, 2009
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Hi everyone,

The LFS I buy my plants from keeps snails in their plant tank. When I got home yesterday there was a microscopic snail clinging to the roots of one of the plants I had purchased.

I don't want snails in my tank so I washed the plants in hot water but before doing so took the snail and put it in a .25 or .5 gallon cute little vase I have. I put aquarium gravel in there with a 1" plant and sprinkled food in the vase. Then I set it by the window (thinking algae may grow). Is there any chance the little snail is going to make it? Any advice on how to keep it alive - I *DO NOT* want to purchase anything for it since about 1/2 the size of an ant.

Thoughts? lol
I had a snail in a vase before. A tadpole snail and a ramshorn. But then somehow there came many little snails, and, well, I had to throw it out. :crazy: Looked horrible in there. But, since you have only one and it's that small, maybe it won't breed. I don't know how to take care of them, though. I just let it sit there and did a few water changes. I didn't have a test kit back then. I think yes, he'll definitely make it in the vase. If it is safe for him or not, I don't know. That's all I have.
id just like to say, that if you can keep your plant alive and grow some algae(windowsill=perfect) that little snail will be just fine. do NOT get carried away with feeding it. it is little and small water amount. can only eat so much and letover food will make the water bad. snails are more tolorant of amonia/ nitrates etc and you could use old tank water for the snails waterchange (so you dont have to condition the water for the snail when its time to change shims water.
snails are FUN! i love them and welcome them in my tanks. glad to see you want to give one a try. i understand that not everyone loves them, but they are very interesting to watch!
good luck with it.
Thanks. This morning I changed one of my tanks (the one I have an algae problem) and put some of the water in there so hopefully that seeds the vase. lol If the snail makes babies, that's fine. My only fear is they may slink their way outside of the vase!

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