What likely happened????

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Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
So a couple weeks ago, the e-mail notifications from the forum stopped coming… not really a problem, I always click the “what’s new” anyway… but last night my account got suspended because of the e-mail thing, and I had to switch the e-mail attached to my account to reactivate it… since the original e-mails quit going through, I couldn’t confirm… I was using my work e-mail before, as I’m at work all day… so I had to switch it to my personal email account… anyone know what happened???
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That happened to me as well, and more importantly I wasn't getting any emails about posts in the staff area such as reported posts.

When I queried it, an admin said it was my email provider. I use one which is notorious for blocking emails sent by certain other email providers. I kept checking my email provider's spam filter but the TFF emails didn't get that far. So I had to create a new account with a different email provider.
The admin showed me what TFF got back from my email provider, which included "The xxxxx server blocked this message from being delivered." and "Too much SPAM received from (IP address)....."

I'll pm you with the names of the email providers with a habit of blocking emails.
Sadly too many providers think they know what is best for you than you yourself. Do you use web mail (website) or an email client (local software such as Outlook)? If a client there isn't a lot that you can do as the mail isn't getting to you so you can't manipulate anything. If web mail look for something along the lines of a 'white list' where you can add the TFF email domain name. Adding the domain to a white list may over ride the spam filter.
I use outlook, and gmail..
Sorry to hear that you use Gmail... Just kidding. I just personally don't trust anything Google. ;)

Go to the gmail site and then your mail. See if they offer a white list. You may also want to contact the gmail support and report that these emails are not spam and desired. They MAY be willing to white list the tff domain for you.

There is a bit of a convoluted solution that may help you by using a bit of misdirection. Sign up for another email provider and use that to get emails from tff. Here is the misdirection... Set the new email account that gets the tff emails to forward to the email account that you want. The setup is now invisible to you and MAY work, depends on how deep your provider parses the email header.
Sadly too many providers think they know what is best for you than you yourself.

Too true...personally, I'd like more TFF emails and less Viagra and enlargement adverts 🤷‍♀️
I had added TFF to my 'safe sender' list but they still blocked the emails :unsure:

The server is very good at putting most of the spam in their spam folder so it doesn't get downloaded to my email client. I just log in to my server once a week to delete it all. But they didn't let TFF emails get as far as the spam folder, they just blocked them from getting through.

Edit - just checked the spam folder on the server. Just 1 email - apparently I can claim a free electric toothbrush if I click here, from an almost right high street pharmacy address. That's now been deleted :)

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