I have a list
* albus - white
* albi - white
* acanthus - thorn (Greek)
* aeneus - brass or copper coloured
* aequi - equal
* aequidens - equal teeth
* affinis - resembles or related to
* amphi - two
* amphi - all around (Greek)
* argenteus - silvery
* arthro - jointed
* astro - star
* auratus - gold or golden
* aureus - gold
* balantio - bag
* balistes - thrown/catapult
* barbus - beard
* branchia - gills of fishes (Greek)
* caeruleus - cerulean, dark blue
* cara - head
* cephalus - head
* chaeto - long hair or bristle
* cheilus - lip
* cheir - hand
* chiton - tunic (Greek)
* chromis, derived from chroma - colour (Greek)
* chromis - sea fish
* chryseus - golden yellow
* chryso - golden
* cirri - hairs
* cory - helmet
* cteno - comb
* cyaneus - dark blue
* cyrto - rounded
* deca - ten
* diplo - double
* donte - teeth
* dolicho - long
* doras - skin
* electo - chosen
* embiotica - offspring living within
* erythro - red
* fasciatus - striped
* festivus - festive, bright
* flavescens - yellowish, pale yellow
* flavidus - yellow, yellowish
* flavus - yellow
* fluviatilis - belonging to a river
* gaster - stomach
* gastro - stomach
* geo - earth
* gnathus - jaw
* grammus - mark
* guttata - speckled
* guttatus spotted, speckled
* gymno - naked (Greek)
* hemi - half
* hetero - other or different
* hex - six
* holo - whole
* hoplo - tool
* hypsypops - below the eye (Greek)
* ichthys - fish
* immaculatus - spotless, unblemished
* iso - same or alike
* labeo - large lips
* labris - lips
* laetacara - smiling cichlid
* lepto - thin
* macros - long
* maculatus - spotted
* margin - margin/borders
* mega - large (Greek)
* melano - black
* mordax - prone to bite
* morpho - form (Greek)
* multi - many
* nano - small (Greek)
* naso - nose
* neo - new
* niger/nigra/nigrum - black
* notus - back
* ocellatus - rings
* oct - eight
* odon - tooth
* opisthen - back or behind (Greek)
* oto - ear
* paleatus - mixed with chaff
* para - near
* paralichthys - parallel fish (Greek)
* pavo - peacock/lots of colours
* pelycyo - hatchet
* phagus - eater
* pharynx - throat
* pheno - obvious
* pholis - scale
* phorus - bearer
* phyllo - leaf
* plako - tablet (Greek)
* platy - wide
* pleuro - side
* pod - foot or feet
* poecilia - many coloured
* poly - many
* prion - a saw (Greek)
* proto - first
* psuedo - false
* pterus - wing or fin
* puntius - point
* reticulata - made like a net
* rhamphos - beak
* rhizo - right
* rhynchus - snout
* rubicunda - red
* rubens/ruber - red
* rufescens - light red, almost red
* scat - dirt
* scorpaena - scorpion
* sebastes - magnificent (Greek)
* similins - similar to
* scalare - ladder
* soma - body
* spilos -dots
* splendida - glittering
* steno - narrow
* stichos - line
* stigma - spot or mark
* stoma - mouth
* sternicla - breast
* striatus - lines
* symphys - to glue together
* taeniatus - with a stripe
* tetra - four (Greek)
* thoracatum - breast-plate
* thorax - chest (Greek)
* tropheus - eater
* tri - three
* tyranus - aggressive
* viridescens - pale green
* viridis - green
* xanthinus - yellow
* xantho - yellow
* xeno - stranger
* xipho - sword
* zona - girdle
* zonus - banded
Having said that, a lot of Latin names are bizarre and useless for telling you anything about the fish;
Heros severum = severe hero
Pterophyllum scalare = leaf finned ladder