What kinds of fish to get?

A betta with shrimps is hit and miss. I've tried 3 bettas with shrimps (one at a time) - one ignored all the shrimps; one ignored the adults but ate the babies; the third killed most of the shrimps before I had time to rescue them. There were bits of shrimp all over the tank.

I always had a nerite snail in with my bettas. Only one ever noticed the snail, and he flared at it when it was on the glass walls. It ignored him so eventually he gave up.
A betta with shrimps is hit and miss. I've tried 3 bettas with shrimps (one at a time) - one ignored all the shrimps; one ignored the adults but ate the babies; the third killed most of the shrimps before I had time to rescue them. There were bits of shrimp all over the tank.

I always had a nerite snail in with my bettas. Only one ever noticed the snail, and he flared at it when it was on the glass walls. It ignored him so eventually he gave up.
I'm testing my water on the 13th and 14th but if the water conditions are right we might go for lots of live plants with neon tetras and shrimp.I gotta cycle the tank I'm researching that right now,but after I test the water we are getting the tank so probably friday
I got the test strips in early.I think it's all in ppm.I was told to test again in 24 hours but here's the first one
Gh 300
NO² 0
NO³ 10
KH 40
pH 6.8
Do you have an ammonia tester as well? Strips don't have that so you need a separate tester.

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