What Kind Of Gravel?


Fish Crazy
Jan 24, 2005
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Well, I tossed all the gravel after Snowball died, and want to buy new gravel. The last gravel I had was shiny small gravel. Not really sharp but not really rounded. Do you guys use any gravel and if so, what kind? If we buy items (People have suggested flower pots for hiding places), how do we clean them if they are not purchased in a pet store? thanks everybody
I am curious myself. I have heard not to use soap (obviously) or anything, and I've even heard not to use hot water since it can make parts disolve off or something. I put mine in a bucket and rinsed until the water was no longer cloudy, and then put them all in a strainer over the sink (or outside if you can) and rinsed them for a few minutes, and they have been ok so far. I'm curious to see whatveer other people think. Good question!
Well i tend to put all items i buy in a bucket with bleach leave for a few days then swap water for boiling water leave them to soak for a bit do this several times but leave a 12 hours between changing water. For the gravel i think smaller rounder gravel helps but even those glass marbles are good for gravel as i think they look good.
I personally use the smallest gravel I can find, theres really no worry of small sharp edges, but its much easier to clean then sand. I've used hott water with no problem, I boil new gravel, lol, then put it in a strainer and run cold water over it until the water runs clear. Also have you cleaned snowballs tank out? if not you should clean it with a bleach solution (9 parts water 1 part bleach) rinse it until theres no bleach smell left then let it air dry outside for at least 24 hours.
I personally use the smallest gravel I can find, theres really no worry of small sharp edges, but its much easier to clean then sand. I've used hott water with no problem, I boil new gravel, lol, then put it in a strainer and run cold water over it until the water runs clear. Also have you cleaned snowballs tank out? if not you should clean it with a bleach solution (9 parts water 1 part bleach) rinse it until theres no bleach smell left then let it air dry outside for at least 24 hours.

Jaded, hi, do you boil gravel you buy from a pet store? I just rinsed in dechlor hot water in the past. uh-oh.

I posted "should I toss the tank" because I was so afraid even thorough cleaning wouldn't kill any viruses or whatever he had. It's funny-about half the people who answered said they use bleach, the other half said no bleach, use vinegar or salt.

Well i tend to put all items i buy in a bucket with bleach leave for a few days then swap water for boiling water leave them to soak for a bit do this several times but leave a 12 hours between changing water. For the gravel i think smaller rounder gravel helps but even those glass marbles are good for gravel as i think they look good.

Hi, I read on one of the fish forums that gravel should never be bleached. Supposedly the bleach cannot be completely rinsed out and can kill the fish. Maybe I should post that question again. Thanks.
Yupp I boil all gravel. I had a horrible case of colmunaris sweep through one of my tanks a couple of years ago, killing all 8 of my female bettas, and 1 cory cat. I bleached the tank, rinsed it, let it air dry in the sun for a couple of days, and then did it all over again. I still have that tank, have female bettas in it, and no ones gotten sick since
Varvan have you tried instead of gravel buying stones. The ones in my niece's betta tank are white or white washed along with some shiny precious stones that have no shrp edges. you can even get the precious stones in different colors to match your country's flag if you want. For bettas, I prefer these types instead of tiny gravel. :good:
Varvan have you tried instead of gravel buying stones. The ones in my niece's betta tank are white or white washed along with some shiny precious stones that have no shrp edges. you can even get the precious stones in different colors to match your country's flag if you want. For bettas, I prefer these types instead of tiny gravel. :good:

I may do that with the new tank, I like the look too. thx. Where did she get her white stones?

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