What Kind Of Goldfish


New Member
Feb 9, 2006
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I just set-up my 20 gallons tank, and I put 2 goldfish inside.. the white one it seems to be an oranda, but the red one I don’t have any idea.. is there someone who knows well the goldfishes.. so he can tell me exactly what kind of goldfishes I have?

I'm not even sure if the white one is a pure opanda!

The store seller suggested me to give theme this (see pics) kind of food 2-3 time by day.. they are about 6 months old.. and they have about 2.5".

The food is made in Japan...




The white fish is a red capped oranda and the other looks like a fantail.

The food is only going to help with the wen/hood growth of the oranda as the fantail doesnt have one.
The white fish is a red capped oranda and the other looks like a fantail.

The food is only going to help with the wen/hood growth of the oranda as the fantail doesnt have one.
Thanks, so it will be ok for them to keep them together? and give the same food ? I'm in Canada.. is there any other kind of food who’s better then what I have ?

Thaks again.
Yes they can be kept together and that size tank will do until they get to 3 inches not including the tail.
Hikari is a good food to feed them as well.
try to vary the diet by giving either fresh or frozen food such as daphnia and bloodworn a couple of times a week. They also like boiled frozen garden peas that you can squash up.
Yes they can be kept together and that size tank will do until they get to 3 inches not including the tail.
Hikari is a good food to feed them as well.
try to vary the diet by giving either fresh or frozen food such as daphnia and bloodworn a couple of times a week. They also like boiled frozen garden peas that you can squash up.

Thanks for the advices, I think I have a little problem.. I'm not sure. .I just checked my tank temperature and it's about 26C (78F) .. I think this is to much for goldfish... I turn the light off.. the heater is not working.. we are in winter here.. so outside is -7C.. I don’t understand how happened that the temperature rise like this.

If thinks goes like this.. I'll have a big problem in summer. :(

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