what kind of food


New Member
Mar 19, 2004
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I only feed my fish on flakes. What other kind of food should I be using. I am fairly new to all this and any advice would be appreciated. Ta
Hi and welcome to the forums! :)

Depends what kind of fish you've got.... if you've got bottom feeders then you can get tablets aimed mainly at them.

But you can vary it a bit with freeze-dried food, or even better most fish will love some frozen stuff; bloodworm or brine shrimp for instance.

Algae eaters will also appreciate the odd bit of cucumber!
My fish don't go so much for the freeze dried stuff, but LOVE the frozen bloodworms and brine shrimp.

Another thing they go ga-ga over is Wardley's Premium slowly sinking crumbles. I think I got that name right. They love it. Some of it even manages to fall to the bottom for the cories.
Tell us what fish you have so we can give you the best advice possible.

Most fish love frozen brine shrimp and blood worms. Some go after dried tubifex worms, but they'd much rather have other food. There are also vegies and algae wafers.
Thanks to all who replied. Much appreciated. I'll try the cucumber and see what happens. TA VERY MUCH
check out my sig to see wut i have but i feed them:

sinking warfers (hikari)
and shrimp pellets (nutrafin)

and they luv it!

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