Yenko said:
I wouldn't put Tiger Barbs in a 10 gallon tank. They need to be in schools, and 5 Tiger Barbs, at 1.5 inches each, is quite a bit of fish. Besides, they would do better with more swimming room. Cherry Barbs are a good choice.
Angelfish are completely out of the question. You could have 3 cories (one of the smaller varieties, not bronze or albino), a betta, and 2 platies. If you want you can add a DWARF African clawed frog to either of these tanks; they eat food scraps, which is very useful for a small tank.
thanx for y'all advices!!! now i got this (i went shoppin

10 us gallon tank
top fin filter 10
top fin heater 50W 8"
and some ornaments and a few plastic plants
and i put the stress coat and the stress zyme

and as sasha said im gonna put guppies, a panda cory, (if i found them) mm is nessesary and otto right? , well some gouramis mmm danios maybe few swordtails , is a glassfish good tankmate for these? maaaaybe mollies and platies

if ne1 has suggestions im open minded!
thanx again for y'all help and time

OH! and how long is it gonna take me to cycle this thing? and do i really need the test kit? i've saw one today in petsmart was for everythin, it was for 19.99 US$ mmm what do u recommend?
thanks again