WHaT KiND oF FiSHeS FoR a 10 Gal


Fish Addict
Apr 28, 2004
Reaction score
Virginia Beach , VA, USA
hey there! well i was wondering what kind of fishes are te most adapting for a 10 gallon tank i've read that angel fishes are not good to keep them in a 10 gal one, but i swear since i've known fishes are able to have them as pets ....i wanted an angel fish! can someone recommend me some fishes that are good to keep in a 10 gal tank? and what kind of tankmates? and if theres a chance to keep an angel fish plz let me kno!!!

thank y'all!!!! hope u have a good one :D
:sad: I know how you feel. I really wanted angelfish for my 46 gallon tank, but I ended up recieveing a bucnh of livebearers instead of angelfish. Angelfish require a minimum of 18 inches deep and they grow to be huge! A ten gallon tank would not house an adult angelfish, but there are many different kinds of fish that live happily in a small tank. My favorite would be guppies! The each have their unique color and pattern and look so beautiful. There are also many fish that are great tankmates for guppies like:

small tetras
dwarf gouramis
. . . that's all I can think of in the moment

:thumbs: Remember, that the rule for stocking a tank is 1 inch of fish for every gallon, so don't overstock.
thank you veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery much!!!! for the facts!! :D if n e 1 want to help me too y'all go ahead!:D thanx again sasha! and i must say :byebye: to da angelfish :-(
:D I'm glad to have helped you! Angelfish are so beautiful and graceful. Maybe in the future when you get a larger tank to plan on having angelfish! :fish: Good luck with your new tank!
yeah i guess so! if i ever have them again.... cuz im goin back to mah country in 9 months and its gonna be like gonna start again on like april or may '05 :( hehe , well if u ever remember somethin more let me know :D and i swear im not gonna stop till i got those angelfishes :fun:
;) Ottos go great with guppies too. They are a type of algae eater that help keep your tank clean from algae and they stay small. A couple cories would also be good and they dwell at the bottom. When stocking a tank, it's best to chose differnt fish that would fill all the levels of the tank. Guppies, platies and mollies would swim throughout all the entire tank, while gouramis and danios spend time near the surface and midlevel and the bottom are ruled by the cories.

:nod: There is also many other species you could put in a 10 gallon tank, but they don't go with the some of the fish I mentioned. It's up to you on what fish you what to fill up your tank with. Hopefully, some other people would offer you more suggestions and then you decide.
gewd news..............u can get angel fish........but u must get them really small and make sure theyre koi angels cuz theyre the timid and peacful type...ive got one in a 12 gal tank full of livebearers and gouramis and neons
thanx again sasha!! and thanx to you too bea! both of u are helpin me out :D , and the other question is if they need air pumps thanx again and if someone wants to add a comment bout the first topic u can :) thanx again! :) :D :fun:
Even if you did get a really small angel i dont think a 10gall would be bigenough the fish will still grow no matter how small it is to start with.I have just been looking up about the above koi angel fish it doesnt say nothin about a ten gall been bigenough.So i would personally still say no to an Angelfish in that size tank.Sorry. :(
Oh Well.... whatever with those.... (angel fishes) now im wondering if barbs are a possible to keep with guppies cories platties and those , anyone? and if ANYONE CAN ANSWER about the air pumps im gonna be reaaaaally glad! thanks y'all!
Hey Dolores

How is your tank being filtered? Most common power filters do a fine job of aerating the tank, and you wouldn't need an air pump. No matter how you look at it though, it can only do good for the tank.
mm i got my tank on petsmart, its a goldfish kit that it cost me 39.99 US$ , well its a goldfish one becuz wanted goldfish at first, but im goin on tropical, the only difference that has from the tropical kit was the heater and the food, so, well the point is that the kit is, a 10 gallon tank with top fin 10 filter, and stuff im askin bout the air pump cuz im bauying the rest of the things today and maybe on saturday or tomorrow buyin thi fishes:) thanx everyone!
Hey, you were saying you would like to get Barbs, I have 4 tiger barbs and they can be fairly aggressive so I wouldn't get barbs for a tank with guppies or any fish with big flashy tailes.

15 Gal.
2 gold gourami
2 pearl gourami
1 red fire dwarf gourami
4 tiger barbs
1 clown loach
1 bala Shark
1 common pleco
Marc25 said:
Hey, you were saying you would like to get Barbs, I have 4 tiger barbs and they can be fairly aggressive so I wouldn't get barbs for a tank with guppies or any fish with big flashy tailes.

15 Gal.
2 gold gourami
2 pearl gourami
1 red fire dwarf gourami
4 tiger barbs
1 clown loach
1 bala Shark
1 common pleco
Surely you are not recommending that?!!

Clown loaches easily get to 8" and should be in groups of at least 3. Balas get to a foot and should have at least a 6 ft tank and common plecs easily get to 16" and not to metion the fact that barbs need more swimming room and gouramis can be territorial.

:eek: what a mess!!

Edit>Incidently, I have 3 koi angels and one black. My adult koi that was bought at the same timeas the black is significantly smaller but certainly not 10 gallon small, and IMO needs just as much space for fins.

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