What Kind Of Cory (lots And Lots Of Pics)

These do, it's just my bad picture taking and editing. Some day I will lay on the floor and try again. You can just barely see the band on the top of their heads. The light reflection and my heavy editing reduced the band's visibility further down. :p
oh it's just the spots look weird too. As well as the black on the dorsal should start from the top side of the body.

Like on mine, that picture has been brightened a bit so that you could see em :)
I am a bit confused now, because I have a group of wild caught leucomelas from CorysRUs that I got a year+ ago to join my unknown pair. Their dorsals are not identical on each individual--although I am having trouble comparing, because I recently upset everone catching a group of bronze to take for sale, and there are lots of hidey places. They are not posing for comparison and I don't want to upset them again by taking the tank decore out to see them.

But here is a pic of Bryan's of some C. leucomelas that he has posted to his gallery. The ones on planet catfish are as you are describing. I know there are some large variations in species. Look at the pulchers variants or the bronze variants. But you may well be right. If so maybe Frank or Ian can step in to help me out.

Bryan's gallery C.leucomelas
thats strange i have a full grown CAE and have never had one problem with it. he keeps my tank spotless and hes very community like.
Are you sure it is a CAE and not a SAE. If you accidentally got a SAE, God was watching out for you.

CAE are infamous for doing well when small, but getting mean and aggressive when older and killing prize fish.

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