What Kind Of Cories...

Iron Man

Fish Addict
Apr 9, 2005
Reaction score
Lexington, SC USA
OK so I got the live plants and snails in there and all settled and its been probably about a month now that the tank has been up and I'm gettin ready for some fishies. :hyper:

I had 4 mystery snails of different colors in there at first but they were making WAY too much poop so I just kept the gold one and am giving the other three away (though I hate to). So I've got a lot of live plants, one mystery snail, and I'm getting a few ghost shrimp and a couple ADFs down the road too.

For the fish, I'm thinking of maybe 6 neons and 3 cories of some type.

What kind of cories would be good? I would like the smallest size possible, but it needs to be something pretty common as I'm not going to be getting anything mail order. So pygmies are definately desired but probably not possible.

I think the most common around here are the "albino" which I think are the aeneus (they have the "original" aeneus too) and the paleatus I think it is?

Of those which are the smallest?

BTW - the tank is playsand bottom so its cory heaven....not to worry. :good:
hey im in the exact same boat as you. I was looking at the albino cory's in petsmart day before last, and wanted all of them lol, they looked so kool.

i was looking into 6-7 neons and 3-4 corys.

What plants do you have in the tank, just wondering?
the smaller the cory the better so that u can have a bigger shoal...some pygmys or pandas, three is ok but they are happier with a bigger shoal

Unfortunatly pandas are harder to care for and require a more mature tank then both of us have running. Also pygmy's and panda's would have to be ordered for me at least and probably Iron Man too, as i doubt his LFS has either.

I have what they called "frill" plant in the lfs, ludwigia, wysteria, and anacharis. All are doing tremendously well probably since I have 40 watts of dual screw in compact flourescents over the top. It may still be a bit much as I'm getting a little algae (gets eaten by the snails) and green water.....which comes and then goes when the plants make a growth sprout.

I just cut them back yesterday.....had to take everyone of them out (getting rid of pest snails too) and cut them down....but it was well worth it....love the look of my tank. :)


Would love to get the smaller versions (accept the pandas which I'm not brave enough to try). I don't know about getting more though since they will also be sharing the bottom with ADFs.

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