What Kind Of Career Path Could I Chose?

You could always work at an aquarium with matenance jobs and such.

Ikon, I would take the music out, you could run into some legal problems with that.
Danno...aside from legalities, does it discourage you from visting the website again? do you agree with the choice of music? does it mesh with the overall experience of the website and what is for sale?

thanks for any input you guys give, and i dont mean to jack the thread
hey.. that sounds awesome...

I could do that. I kinda love adrenaline rushes. Im a wrester, snowborder, wakeborder, and if i hadn't found a job like that to look in to, i wanted to join the special forces.

If you're an adrenaline junkie, then professional diving might be for you afterall. I was serious when I said it was dangerous. Many professional divers are injured or killed every year on the job. Then again, so are many spec ops soldiers... One other requirement for being a professional diver: you can have no fears. None. If the idea of being dropped into 300feet of seawater to a silt-filled ocean bottom with zero visibility with the goal of un-sticking a stuck valve where if you screw up, you're dead and the north sea, gulf of mexico, or wherever will be flooded with crude oil scares you... Dont be a professional diver ;). If you read that and instantly said to yourself, SWEET, then it might be worth a look
Danno...aside from legalities, does it discourage you from visting the website again? do you agree with the choice of music? does it mesh with the overall experience of the website and what is for sale?

thanks for any input you guys give, and i dont mean to jack the thread

Nah it doesn't discourage me from going their.

Hobbit: I would suggest starting training or trying it out before diving in all the way (no pun intended)

Hobbit: My uncle is a marine biologist and teaches marine biology at Yale University and has been researching and diving for years. If my memory serves right, he is also credited for discovering either the earliest or one of the earliest marine microorganisms known. If you could pull it off like him, you would be pretty well off! When he's not giving lectures he is in the lab at Yale studying/breeding wild-collected organisms. sounds good to me
wow, awesome. thanks everyone, ill look into this
Ikon music isn't bad but how did you go about setting up your online store, how would you go about setting up a real store, would it be expensive?

I've always asked this question too and diving isn't for me. What I've decided to do is be a teacher, you get summers off and you can work at a lfs all day, and you get off from work at not a bad time either and it's not that bad.
i chose online sales because there is a way bigger potential market and less start-up/monthly expenses. having a storefront is a LOT more work and money and plus puts you in direct competition with the established stores in your area.

as for setting up my online store, i have built websites in the past so i already know how to write html and use photoshop so creating the site on my own saved me hundreds, and paypal's shopping cart integration is easy and free.

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