What Kind Of Career Path Could I Chose?


Fish Crazy
Mar 21, 2006
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I was thinking on what carrer path i want to choose (Im a freshman, and im picking classes that will help later) And the only one i could think of was a marine biologist. But they make crappy money, and always have to move, dont they? I'm just wondering what carrer paths i could consider.
wildlife photography :good: thats the career path im aiming towards anyways :)

you could become a leading underwater photographer, got to be fun !
depends what you want to do, i would say the most job oppertunitys are abroad in the way of fish, live deep sea world, marine divers ect.
You could risk life and limb for adventure and become a professional diver...
I wanna get my own marine shop, so few more years and im gunna set one up with my manager atm hopefully.
I like all of those. What does a pro diver even do though? Just guides toursists?

And i'd love to set up my own store someday, but i'd want it to be over the internet, so i wouldnt have to buy a whole shop. And plus i could confirm purchases in my underwear, w/ a huge glass of milk on sunday mornings.
I'm really convinced to open a shop here in the next year or two. I start a really good jpb necxt week making 200+ dollars a day.. filling out forms for buisnesses. so. i am going to save up money for that. and all that stuff plus be working another job as wlel hopefully..
I'm less than a year away from a Biology degree, and there are lots of things you can do with it, especially if you're interested in the marine side of it.

It is true that marine biologist make pretty poor money, but if that's your passion, then it wouldn't be that big of a deal.

Most of the people I know who want to do something in the field of biology end up doing research. Talk to your professors about it, most of the time they're more than happy to talk to someone who wants to 'follow in their footsteps' so to speak. I know several of people who have gone to Antarctica and all over the world to research fish and aquatic plant life. Pretty amazing experiences.

Personally I'm trying to get into medical school, so I'll most likely do absolutely nothing with my degree. :)
ive actually already gone the internet sales route..ive been selling inverts on ebay for a few months now and just designed and launched a dot com. if you decide to find a supplier and begin selling ebay is an excellent place to start, theres millions of potential buyers and paypal integration makes it very easy to accept payments, but the only negative is the $200-300 a month you rack up in listing/selling fees! hopefully my new website will be as successful for me as ebay was so i can move all of my sales to fee-free! heres the link: www.reefscavengers.com i only sell within the US though sorry!
which brings up an idea...since you guys kinda know me, if a member of staff here is interested in some cross-promotion send me a message and we'll work it out
that truly is an amazing site. Since im only 15, no one really takes me seriously. I'd love to help in any way possible. I can post some flyers at the lfs i plan on trying to get a job at. If you type up some flyers, ill try to post 'em.

So what exactly does a professional diver do? I am almost positive that when i can, i ill move to a coast. I've always loved the ocean.
Forgot to ask who your supplier is. I dunno if its private or not, sorry if it is
Professional divers most often do industrial diving. Wreck salvage, oil rig repair, harbor construction/repair, those kinds of things. Very exciting and very dangerous work. Pay's amazing though.
hey.. that sounds awesome...

I could do that. I kinda love adrenaline rushes. Im a wrester, snowborder, wakeborder, and if i hadn't found a job like that to look in to, i wanted to join the special forces.
i added some background music to my website that plays automatically when you open the site.

do you guys think its a discouragement more then a positive thing?

check it out and let me know reefscavengers.com
well, these speakers aren't working, but i'd have to say that depending on the music, it can either make you seem more professional, and shows people that yuo do knowwhat your doing. Or it could have the complete opposite, like i said, depends on the music

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