Hmm.. Well a reading of ammonia means your tank isn't fully cycled. Have you added any new fish lately? How long did you fish less cycle for? Have you treated the tank recently with any meds or other chemicals? ... I wouldn't put any "ammonia remover" in the tank, water changes easily remove the ammonia.
Do a 90% water change, if the results are the same. I would recommend getting a more reliable test kit, like the API master kit. Liquid tests are more accurate than strips. I would skip feeding for a day, to get ammonia to 0.
I haven't added any new fish as of late, and I let the tank cycle for over a week without fish : ) I haven't treated the water with anything besides the Stress Zyme and Stress Coat.
Alright I'll do that! Thank you very much!
Will my fishies be alright?I don't want them to get ammonia poisoning D:
It only took you a week to cycle?

Watch out for red streaks, flashing and other odd behavior. The fish that died may have died from ammonia poisoning.. Has there been ammonia readings before? Any exposure to ammonia is harmful to fish, unfortunately