What is your ideal tank?


Fish Crazy
Apr 1, 2005
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I don't know if this has been asked before but I was wandering if you had an dream tank.

If money, space and compatibilty were no object and you could mix SW and FW what would you have?
i would have a community of 50 golden severums and 50 silver dollars LOL
and some plecos

and 50 males Bettas in an ideal world they wouldnt fight LOL
The dream tank i plan to build some time in the future is a Orinoco river biotope tank in a very long and wide tank. Ideally this tank will be 20 feet long by 4 feet wide (though obviously the eventual size really depends on how large the fish house i can build is) and will be set up in such a way that the water enters at one end of the tank and leaves by the other for the filtration so as to create a naturally flowing tank. I will set the tank up with 3 zones to offer different habitats for the fish to choose from, the first will be a rocky zone with large rocks piled up past the water line, this will be the end the water enters at and will recreate a waterfall habitat for plecs and other fish that like a fast current. The second zone will be a bare sand area for fish that preffer a clear area such as stingrays and eartheater Cichlids and will cover approximately half of the tanks total area (10 feet). The third zone will be a sunken forest area with tall pieces of driftwood and lengths of mangrove root use to reprisent broken tree roots and fallen branches for fish which like to lurk and hunt in areas like this.
This tank will never need any water changes as i will set up a 100gpd R/O unit above it which will constantly drip fresh pure water into the tank and the excess water will leave via a overflow in the filtration system.
I think it would be cool to have a tank that has a real riverbank with large plants. The room would have a sunlight in it so you wouldn't need artificial light. It would be inhabited with archer fish, as well as other brackish fish. It would be cool to watch the archers shoot at bugs on the plants.

I'd also like a high pressure deep water tank. There would be no lights, and the room would be dark except for a red light that marine creatures can't see, like a photography dark room. You could have anglerfish, and all those weird deep-sea creatures.
I like Undawada's idea about the deep water with the red light! That would be awesome, but you would proably have to go capture the fish yourself I would think.
my ideal tank would be some huge thing 13x3x2 filled with a asian arowana group, lots of rays, catfish, eartheaters, bichirs, eels and other amazing fishies.
Ideal tank? That would be an absolutley huge tank capable of housing the larger sharks and other elasmobranches (think manta rays and great white sharks)

Ideal plausible tank? That would be a 6,000 gallon tank to house a small school of red tails, a Tiger shovel, a hybrid and some massive FW rays.

The dream tank i plan to build some time in the future is a Orinoco river biotope tank in a very long and wide tank. Ideally this tank will be 20 feet long by 4 feet wide (though obviously the eventual size really depends on how large the fish house i can build is) and will be set up in such a way that the water enters at one end of the tank and leaves by the other for the filtration so as to create a naturally flowing tank. I will set the tank up with 3 zones to offer different habitats for the fish to choose from, the first will be a rocky zone with large rocks piled up past the water line, this will be the end the water enters at and will recreate a waterfall habitat for plecs and other fish that like a fast current. The second zone will be a bare sand area for fish that preffer a clear area such as stingrays and eartheater Cichlids and will cover approximately half of the tanks total area (10 feet). The third zone will be a sunken forest area with tall pieces of driftwood and lengths of mangrove root use to reprisent broken tree roots and fallen branches for fish which like to lurk and hunt in areas like this.
This tank will never need any water changes as i will set up a 100gpd R/O unit above it which will constantly drip fresh pure water into the tank and the excess water will leave via a overflow in the filtration system.

WOW!! You can build one for me while you're at it, sounds great!!

Andy? Great Whites? Now you're just taking the piss!
I would have a 5000 Gallon aquarium with gold bettas, Green cobra guppies, albino oscars, tiger oscars, goldfish, koi, african dawrf frogs, lion fish, bala sharks, clown loaches, all kinds of plecos, corys, albino tiger barbs, sea horses and sea stars. (I could add alot more but I can think of any more right now :D )
Massive L shaped asian arrowna biotope
my views more detailed then this but i'm lazy

big tank

but my sharks would have lasers on their heads...
Dream Tanks:

1. several million gallons (400' by 60' by 60') with a whale shark (biggest fish in the world) and small submersible submarine so I could visit him close-up


2. I 'd also have a 1000 gallon tank for goldfish, in which I could keep several comets and commons, as well as a 1000g for bubble-eyes

3. Then I'd have about a 10,000 gallon for several dovii and managuensis cichlids

Like I said these tanks are my DREAM tanks and unless I win the lottery several times they will remain such...

My ideal tank that I can actually see happening is a 200 gallon tank with either a dovii or a pacu or a common gourami.
I'd have a 10000000000000000 gallon tank with all the little fish that get big (gold fish, common pleco's) that people have bought and killed over the years in it.
that tank would be several hundred miles long, as its ten million billion gallons. And it still wouldn't hold all the discarded fish you discribed! :D :lol:

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