Fish nerd
I am putting together a 55 Gal tank. I want a school of tetras I am not sure what kind to get. I want them to be a little over 2"-3". Hardy and fun that's what I am looking for. Any suggestions. I was thinking of getting 4 Black skirts.
Here is the set up. Planted with sand lots of rock work and bogwood. All natural it is going to be my master piece.
1 maybe 2 Blue acara
2 or 3 blue rams
4 pepper cory cats
1 rubber nose pleco
6 ??? Tetra???
Here is the set up. Planted with sand lots of rock work and bogwood. All natural it is going to be my master piece.
1 maybe 2 Blue acara
2 or 3 blue rams
4 pepper cory cats
1 rubber nose pleco
6 ??? Tetra???