What Is Your Favourite Tetra And Why?


Fish nerd
Mar 19, 2008
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I am putting together a 55 Gal tank. I want a school of tetras I am not sure what kind to get. I want them to be a little over 2"-3". Hardy and fun that's what I am looking for. Any suggestions. I was thinking of getting 4 Black skirts.

Here is the set up. Planted with sand lots of rock work and bogwood. All natural it is going to be my master piece.
1 maybe 2 Blue acara
2 or 3 blue rams
4 pepper cory cats
1 rubber nose pleco
6 ??? Tetra???
I loved my Rummynose Tetra but my clowns ate them all. I've now got a dozen Rosy Tetra in my clown loach tank, there's 6 male & 6 female: -

My favourite are Pristella tetras, i rave about them alot but they are the only tetra i have owned that actually shoal, they are really hardy and look beautiful under good lighting. Despite them being bigger than some tetras, they are very peaceful and havnt hurt any of my fish, including fry.

I also love the look of a big shoal of neons/cardinals but they do need an established tank.
Harlequin rasboras are also nice hardy shoaling fish.

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