What Is Your Favourite Fish?


Feb 23, 2008
Reaction score
West Yorkshire

Just wondered what kind of fish people really liked?

I at the moment am into corydora, full of fun, character and very lively...at least mine are!

So go on what makes you weak at the knees?

not weak at the knees but i do love south/central american cichlids :good:
2jaguar cichlids as pictured below,,

LOL nelly ok maybe a slight exageration in 'the weak at the knees' statement....nice looking fish by the way!
oh has to be clown loach, they are my all time favorite,and i love it when they are stuffing their faces and clicking, they go up and down the tank like mental lentals,i adore them
I would have to say Black phantom tetras.... ( a bit crap I know) but the 4 I had were so entertaining to watch. Plus when the lads were displaying, they reminded me of Mr T :hyper:
Absolutely!!! :hyper: LOL! I can just see them now with their gold rope chains!!

I pity da fool
Clown Knifefish always been my favourite.

They look powerful and very graceful when patrolling the tank
I really like the personality of my angelfish, but i absolutely LOVE Dwarf Lions.... there so pointy and stingy lol
Bichirs are my favorite! I have 4 different rare species in my collection (for now!). :D

P. senegalus (platinum)
P. teugelsi
P. ornatipinnis
P. sp.
#1 would be the Clown Loach, I also like the large Gold Sailfin Mollies especially the males that are about 4-6 inches in length, they just look awesome with they're dorsal fin spread. I also like anglefish and bettas.
Stergens!! - the cold water shark wannabee soo cute! love to have their tummy tickled
I really love my endlers. They are such cute little things and have an energy level almost unequalled by other fish. Its not a neurotic energy level by it is definitely high. A close runner up is almost any cory. I recently got some corydoras habrosus and they are my current favorite cory. They are in with one of my tanks of endlers and are keeping up with them pretty well. My wife's observation was that they swim with the endlers as if they were endlers.

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