What is your favourite fish in your tank?

My Axelrod's Rasboras or "Sundadanio Axelrodi" They are so tiny (shy of an inch long) and it's cute when they chase other fish from time to time. Plus they have sort of similar colors to a neon tetra but they're subtle and transparent. Plus, like, nobody else I know has them and they're impressed by my especially rare and exotic fish! (which I bought from my LFS for $4 apiece)
it depends which tank so I'll have more than one answer lol

My favourite fish and the one of mine I like the most is my Clown Knife, now about 16 inches and getting deeper in his body. He looks so impressive when simming around. I hope I have him for a long time

In another tank I'm lovig my distochidus six bar at the moment. apart from the fact he has beautiful markings he is so active and inquisitive

In another tank I'm loving my Channa Pulchra. They are only young but I cannot wait for them to get fully grown so they can look menacing in the weed tahts in the tank

I'm going to miss my Distochidus, sold him today!! :sad:
just for looks he has to be at the mo
got to be my female Salvini (haha even though she wants to attack me when I approach at the mo)
My male African Mudskipper. He's pretty big now and he has great coloration on his dorsal fin.

I don't really have anything else interesting but in a week, I should be getting either Dwarf or Red Eye Puffers.
Mountain minnows

just great they are hardy, energetic and colourful


I love watching them play and display, the main boy will erect ALL his fins and dance next to the other boys, whilst the girls just loll on.

BUT i have to admit, watching the corys sift sand, leaving their cute little "paw prints" round the tank is quite cool too

all this could change when i start adding stock to my tank though!
Wow, this is an old thread, but it's a good one. :thumbs:

As much as I love my corys, I have a pair of blind cave tetras that I'm very fond of too. I've had them for at least four years and they are so perfect despite the fact that they can't see. I admire them greatly. :D
My batik loach is hilarious... nothing is funnier than dropping a pond snail in and watching him sniff around for it! He's also quite possessive of his food... anyone who comes near his algae wafer gets chased all around the tank! When he is not suryeying the tank Lion King style from an anubias leaf, he is peering out from his little cave.
my favourite fish that i have got must be my red tailed black shark, then my paradise fish(in different tank).
my favourite fish that i dont have is the discus.
mine would have to be Fernando the Red Spotted Sev. he is only about 6 months old and he is starting to get alot more spots and colour.

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