What is your favourite fish in your tank?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 17, 2004
Reaction score
London, Ontario, Canada
My favourite fish in my tank are my 3 Lake Kutubu Rainbowfish

they are good swimmers and really attack food when I put it in my tank

they are also very peaceful and never give the other fish any hassle

33 gallon
3 Peppered Cories
2 Blue Ram cichlids
3 L.K rainbowfish
1 pleco (Gord)
1 Buenos Aires tetra
i love em' all but if there was a fire and i could only grab one it would have to be alfred my marble angel :nod:
he's so cray-zay
i love him to bits :wub:
DiXoN said:
my main man is my asian arowana he is so gracefull and greedy
arowanas would have to be my second favorite fish that i don't have. one day i will have enough room for one. first favorite fish that i don't have would have to be the fabled imbellis (one day soon, i feel it... ;) )
right now though, as far as fish i own, i'd have to go with my copper plakat male "tahan" ;)
My purple spotted gudgeon is my favorite. I'll be sitting, watching my community tank, and i see him begging for attention in his tank. He always wants food and knows to get it from me. He's kinda like a dog. hen i open the tank he swims to the upper mid level of the tank, and if he sees food he goes to the top. He is so funny :D
That's a tuff question, it depends on my mood really. I like the two clown loaches but don't always get to see them. The large gold angel fish has the most personality always coming to see me when I approach the tank.
The clown loach, but only because I've had him for longer than the other loaches and my puffers. If I had gotten them all at the same time (or around the same time) all the loaches and the puffers would be tied.
It has to be my Discus :D They are such a nice and a very intellegent fishies...
My Aulonocara Maleri!!! They (1 male and 4 females) are amazingly beautiful and have awesome personalities! I love it when I sit by the aquarium and the male comes and watches everything I do!
Although I don't interact with my ghost ray much it looks kewl the way it swims. Other then tht the clown loaches fully swim like crazy for food :wub: , and my angels+swordtail are always seeking attention. :)
hmmm thats a tough one. I love all my fish equally, but I am quit fond of stevie my betta at work, becuase we spend 40 hours a week together staring at each other and fiddling our fins, i mean thumbs! :D

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