what is your bravest fish

It has to be my Dwarf Loaches who come up to a 7 inch Clown and nip him for pinching his food! :lol: And one of the 6 inch Blue Botia's! :hyper: Mad little dudes!!

Have to say the cherry barbs, one in particular, because they are the smallest and the shyest fish in my tank, and yet they brave the eating frenzy every night to get themselves a bit of dinner. :lol:
ok my bravest fish would have to be the little crib that went up and stole food off the breeding jewel cichlids side of the tank i was surprised he got out alive. and the most cowardly would have to be the common cichlids as there where 7 of them and they all hid in the corner (sencibly) from the pair. i have moved them since to give the pair more space in which to do their thing
Malawis being what they are are always a bit brave. But out og the lot its probably my male Acei (you need a stick to scare him off). And from the bottom feeders its got to be my loach. Apart from my hand in the tank, NOTHING will move him. And he fights back :)
my bravest fish is my black shark he rules the tank the nest in line is my angel it really is a good race in which one is the winner they both are little devils I have a mean pleco to
My bravest fish is my banjo cat, he's so brave whe all the other fish hide, he just sits there, when other fish bite him he just turns his other cheekand just sits there, when I do a water change he just sits there.

Or is he just really lazy :lol: :p :lol:
My jack dempsey would be my bravest fish. He'll fight anything that goes in the tank and gets scared less often than my GT that is about 1" bigger.

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