what is your bravest fish

My bravest fish I would have to say is one of my tiger barbs. He is so curius - I have a rams horn snail, and when he is on the side of the tank, the tiger barb "knocks" on his shell like saying - "Is anyone in there?"
my bravest fish would bee my 2 red tailed zebra loaches (cheech and chong) in 2 days they ahve taken control of the tank and keep the little nipping rainbow shark at bay. they will let him nowhere any of my fish.
My braviest fish is my pleco no one i mean no one goes near him and when he has his food no one trys to rob it from him :thumbs:
My bravest fish, and i'm not kidding is a 1" platty. :crazy:
Huh I hear you cry but let me tell you more.
Those of you who have looked at my pictures( in the pics board) will know why the platty is brave, I had to leave him in as I couldn't catch him after the tank had cycled so he's in there with a 13" Jaguar cichlid, 3 5" redhook silver dollars and a 9" sailfin plec and every now annd then he pops out :hyper:
Hi Flippin

Talking about brave platty's. I once had a baby(1/2") that a tiger bard took a liking to,(dinner). Tha platty lip locked, shock it, and gave it a complex. The tiger bard never went near a platty again.

My bravest fish now, is a blue Angel. Not even I will put my hand in his tank. Last time I did he broke his jaw on my hand.
Our bravest is a black molly male. He is living in a 75 gallon with 3 inch Silver Dollars and 2.5 inch Giant Danios. He actually chases the danios around for fun, I think :D :D :D
my bravest fish was my purple n white female fighter....but sadly she died today from cotton wool fungus infection :-(

so now i think it is my powder blue gourami.....he likes to have a feel around and isnt scared of going upto a new fish n giving it a good fondle

takes after his dad :lol:

Tek :fish:
My YoYo Botia rules the tank. He became the ruler about 6 months ago when I got him. He was little, but chased everyone around. Now he is about 4" long and still chases any fish in front of him at feeding time. Never does harm, just chasing. Sleeps standing on his head in a small hole in a log in tank. He can only fit about 1" of himself down the hole. Do you think he is part ostrich? :hyper:

one of my clowns (currently just over an inch) chase my upside down catfish for food, and when they turn round it just stops and plays dead! :D The catfish find this very interesting (they are about 4 inches so a lot bigger!!) and start flicking him nad look like they might take a bite. :eek:

Just then when they are most distracted he springs to life and dashes after the food!! :p Very clever, if not slightly brave!
my bronze cory, he's not even afraid when my red tail shark sneaks up on him, my other fish will usuallly freak out :lol:

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