What Is Wrong With This Tetra? ( Pics Included )


Coo, Man
Feb 13, 2013
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My brother emailed me about his neons and 2 of them look gravely ill. I can't id it so I'll show you guys.
My brother has done well so far by seperating the affected and isolating them.
The symptoms are as follows:
Faded color
Swimming with tail in the air and head down
Doesn't move
Doesn't eat
Fin rot
Doesn't school with group
Very skinny
Here are pics he attached:
looks to me that it has gone far to long without food because it has been bullied and not allowed to eat.
try giving it live food like mosquito larva (haven't seen a fish no matter how sick not go after them) and that should get him to eat. if the fish doesn't eat then there isn't much hope. but if he does eat then start treating for fin rot, allow for lots of hiding spots. keep the water clean and repeat.
if its affecting more than one as you say it could be an internal parasite. I would recommend dosing with a general worming treatment, unless your brother happens to see any red worms sticking out of the anus of one of the fish, then you would need to treat for camallanus worms. Internal parasites could make the fish skinny, the fin rot would be down to stress and low immune system a secondary affect to worms.
It's been ID'd with neon tetra disease. Me and my brother are devastated to say the least. :-(
Fish has died now. Let's pray it doesn't spread.

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