What Is Wrong With My Tank!


Fish Fanatic
Mar 5, 2009
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hey guys, i really need some help i have a tropical tank with just a few fish and about a month ago one of my fish got some red around its mouth, just its mouth?? it died like 2 weeks later i changed pretty much all the water than, but now 2 other fish have it the same around their mouth
i change 1/4 of my water every tuesday, i ph test it n its good, i GH n KH it and the temp is all ways at 25dgs

can some please tell me:
what it is?
how i can stop it getting my other fish??
and most important how i can cure my fishs that have it now please???


NOW i have noticed that only my goldfish has like a big red pimple rite on its back in the middle?? it doesnt have the other thing around its mouth and its been normal??

can some1 please tell me whats going on with my tank n what i can do to stop all my fish dying??

Regards dave
Hi, we are going to need some more information please :)

Can you tell us the tank size, which fish and how many of each, which fish has the problem and if at all possible a photograph of the problem.

We also need to know how long the tank has been set up, how it was cycled (read links in my sig for cycling information), you water parameters for ammonia, nitrIte and nitrAte, tank temperature too is helpful.

Do the mouths have a fungus around them, like white cotton, does the red look like bleeding under the skin? Are the fish flicking or rubbing on anything?
Hi, we are going to need some more information please :)

Can you tell us the tank size, which fish and how many of each, which fish has the problem and if at all possible a photograph of the problem.

We also need to know how long the tank has been set up, how it was cycled (read links in my sig for cycling information), you water parameters for ammonia, nitrIte and nitrAte, tank temperature too is helpful.

Do the mouths have a fungus around them, like white cotton, does the red look like bleeding under the skin? Are the fish flicking or rubbing on anything?

hey, thanx 4 helping..
the first fish to get it was just a goldfish the Red Cap Oranda (but i no there inbread so just thought it was cause of that) and only had one gold fish in the tank. but now my Dwarf Gourami, Sucking Catfish (the worst atm) and Albino Bristlenose Catfish have it and aswell only have 1 of each of them

the tank has been set up for about a year, my tank is around 150L -3Ft,

n sorry i dont really no what cycled means, i read ur links but still confused.. all i test for is PH, GH n KH? thats all i have been told and have been doing that for the past year. and the temperture is all ways 25/26 degrees celsius..

their mouth have like red dots around it, and no they swim fine just like normal, but i see that they are opening and closing their mouth very quick all of them

i no my pictures are bad but its the best i could get


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How many fish are in the tank.
What filter are you using as goldfish need double fileration as they are massive waste producers.

Take a sample of your water to the lfs and ask them to write the readings down for you.
I woud invest in some liquid test kits in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Tiny red spot can be septicemia and also parasites.
Any signs of flicking and rubbing.

Red spots on skin can be caused by:
Regarding the small red dot, small pinprick like haemorrhages (called petechiae) can be due to a local lesion, a generalised septicaemia or toxaemia caused by acute viral and bacterial infections.
How many fish are in the tank.
What filter are you using as goldfish need double fileration as they are massive waste producers.

Take a sample of your water to the lfs and ask them to write the readings down for you.
I woud invest in some liquid test kits in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Tiny red spot can be septicemia and also parasites.
Any signs of flicking and rubbing.

Red spots on skin can be caused by:
Regarding the small red dot, small pinprick like haemorrhages (called petechiae) can be due to a local lesion, a generalised septicaemia or toxaemia caused by acute viral and bacterial infections.

hello thanks for helping
i have 8 neons, goldfish, little shark, 2 other sucking fish, 2 other little cheap fish, and the 3 i said b4 thats all?
n i dont no what filter i am using?? it was just in there

now what is lfs please?

no signs of flicking or rubbing, there normal but like i said befor mate their opening their mouth very quick much quicker than the other fish

and the red spots are only around their mouth, pretty much the bottom aswell??

dont need to worrie about the catfish anymore :sad:

can some one please tell me what i can do??
Do a water change and gravel vac.
Try and found out what filter you have, as you will need to run another one to cope with the goldfish waste.
Take a sample of your water to the lfs. Which is local fish store or shop.
The dots sound like septicemia to me if the fish havent been digging in the substrate.
You will need to treat the tank with a bacterial med.
Once septicemia advances it hard to cure.

Whats your location.
Do a water change and gravel vac.
Try and found out what filter you have, as you will need to run another one to cope with the goldfish waste.
Take a sample of your water to the lfs. Which is local fish store or shop.
The dots sound like septicemia to me if the fish havent been digging in the substrate.
You will need to treat the tank with a bacterial med.
Once septicemia advances it hard to cure.

Whats your location.

water change 1/4 every week with a gravel vac? is this ok
i have a Fluval 3 Plus Internal Filter but i dont no what is inside, theres just two brown pads inside pretty corse
so i go to the fish shop with my sample and also buy a bacterial med?

i live in ACT in Australia mate
I would buy a fluval 4 if its fits your your tank and run it with the fluval 3.
You will need to buy a bacterial med that treats septicemia. Not sure of meds in your country I'm afriad.
after looking at the fish i notice that it does pretty much look like blood under their mouth, not really dots but alot of red?? would it still be the same problem

could this be caused by over cleaning??(maybe)
Bleeding beneath the skin is also septicemia,.
Need to know water stats as bad water quality can cause it.
done PH test its at 7
ammona is 0
hardness is 130
KH is 120

how can i treat septicemia??
You will need a bacterial med that treats septicemia.,
You need to get treating fast if you want to save the fish.
Don't buy melafix is only good on cuts and wounds.
Hey there Im Scott,
I had that issue with my 33 gallon what i did was i put salt in there not regulor table salt. go to your fish store and ask for salt follow directions.
also get those dirty pads out and buy new ones or clean them. turn your water temp up to 29 -30 keep it there for about 2-3 weeks and it should go away.
Don't use salt neons and catfish don't tolerate it to well.
Plus it won't do anything for septicemia.
so does septicemia eat away their mouth? because around my dwalfs mounth is all eaten away??

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