What is wrong with my first ct boy


Where's Nemo :o
Dec 11, 2003
Reaction score
Van BC Canada
Hi guys... Over the past few days, I've noticed that my first ct that I ever bought used to flare alot and now.... no matter what I do... he doesnt flare! I tried to put a mirror with him... I put a female in a jar and set her into his tank for a while, I placed him beside my other male but he will still not flare! is he sick?? but i dont think he is because he is eating normally and things
um, bettas don't have to flari every day you know. he's eating and swimming fine, you have nothign to worry about
Yes I know they dont flare everyday but he doesnt even look at me or the mirror! he just sits on his lil water wisteria and eats.... I hope he doesnt die! :-( thanks mam! i hope i wont wry too much ( and I hope this thread doesnt turn out to be an argument like my PREVIOUS threads :whistle: )
and I hope this thread doesnt turn out to be an argument like my PREVIOUS threads )

^^ is asking for it.

Anyway, he's probably just acting mellow.. How old is he? Last WC?
You could try some melafix or something if he's not looking too good as well as not flaring - that always seems to help mine when they're not looking great. But, i wouldn't worry too much! He'll be ok!! :)


P.S. Is that one of your bettas in you avatar? he's pretty... :wub:
do a water change.

bettas dont do much ya know if they have small houses. How big is his tank or bowl?

just because he hardly moves doesnt mean hes sick. he'll be fine.
Jess said:
You could try some melafix or something if he's not looking too good as well as not flaring - that always seems to help mine when they're not looking great. But, i wouldn't worry too much! He'll be ok!! :)


P.S. Is that one of your bettas in you avatar? he's pretty... :wub:
No thats not the betta thats sick... its not even mine... i found it off the net =) though I have one similar to it but his fins have a light blue tinge to em... wrs, he's in a 1.5g right now and jess.... I dont think I should add melafix in.... cuz for one thing, iunno if he's sick or not and i dont think its good to add medicines in to a tank when you dont know whats rong with him
Oh well, he's pretty anyway! :)

And melafix should be ok. Its a natural antibacterial so it isn't actually a medicine. You can use it when you add new fish and do water changes to reduce stress :) Though, obviously, he's your fish! You do what you think is right for him! :)

As wrs said, do a water change and see if he picks up a bit. Sometimes a water change can actually wake them up a bit anyway, he could just be being lazy! :D lol

when was the last water change? if its been a while it could be stressful for him. And if its been a while there is bound to be high ammonia. Also maybe try some live foods, just thought of that, so he could chase and hunt them.

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