What is wrong with my boy?

I just found online about tetra easy balance to reduce nitrates? Would this be a good idea to try?
Waste of money IMO. Nitrate levels of 5-10 ppm are fine. Do not let them go much above this - certainly not above 20 but ideally less. Regular water changes are the most effective way to control this.
My water from the tap is 10ppm so I can't really lower it without plants or stuff like the easy balance... and I don't wants plants because ever time I get plants I get snails and a 100L tank with snails would be a nightmare
As seangee said, a nitrite of 10 ppm is not a problem. As long as it is less than 20 ppm you don't need to worry. Nitrate does not need to be zero like with ammonia and nitrite.

You could always buy in vitro plants which have been cultivated in sterile, non-snail, non-algae conditions.
My tanks are full of snails :) I have the tiny ramshorns and physid (pond) snails that came on plants, and nerites and malaysian trumpet snails that I bought. They are an important part of the ecosystem. They are only a problem when their numbers get out of control, and you prevent that by not over feeding the fish.
I don't wants plants because ever time I get plants I get snails and a 100L tank with snails would be a nightmare

Snails are beneficial to the tank, If your snail population is exploding its because there is lots of food for them to eat.

The Malaysian Trumpet Snail is actually a benefit to any aquarium for several reasons. It will not eat your plants at all. This snail also will not "muscle" your shrimp off of food meant for the shrimp. The Malaysian Trumpet Snail feeds on detritus and leftover food that is underneath the substrate. It actually burrows in the substrate and moves around throughout. You will rarely see this snail during the day. Occasionally it will emerge from the substrate. A cool thing is that sometimes you will see the substrate move and you will know that there is a Malaysian Trumpet Snail underneath doing its cleaning duties.
And no you can never clean a tank as well as a bunch of snails can.
Good to hear he is betta (better) :)

A number of ideas were put forward. In case this happens to other people's fish, what did you end up doing to him to make him well?
Good to hear he is betta (better) :)

A number of ideas were put forward. In case this happens to other people's fish, what did you end up doing to him to make him well?

I laughed far too hard at your joke.

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