What Is Wrong With Betta Hexes?

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Really, you only keep a single betta in that when the picture on the advert clearly shows there's plenty of room for five three-inch long gourami!??! :lol:

I think these posters are taking the piss... that's the non-existent fish piss, of course. If not, it's a shame that the fish will have to starve / die before they come back on here and actually listen to what people are trying to tell them.
how about we stick you in a bathtub full of water and make you go pee in there for a few days...you wont see it turn yellow right away...but do you really want to keep sitting in your own pee?

for a short time or under certian circumstances, yes a betta can live in a hex, but you have to keep the water clean, I have two baby girls in a 5 gallon and I am doing water changes every day.

you didnt come here for help, you are being an annoying turd and have come to argue and annoy people.

you want to keep them in hex, fine change the water daily and keep the heat turned up a bit in your house so they dont freeze. bettas can be slow and doppy when they cold too.
I love how the rice paddies arguement comes up as if rice paddy fields are tiny itty bitty little puddles or something.
Go look one up on the net and you'll see just how large they are. It's shallow water, but it's still thousands of gallons of shallow water they live in. A fully functioning ecosystem. So please don't bring up that arguement.

As others have already said.... the hexes aren't good b/c they're too small and ammonia build up occurs too quickly.
It wouldn't kill you to get your bettas a gallon each. I bet they'd be alot more active then.

You're bettas are laying there all day now b/c they're probably being poisoned by the ammonia in the water since you don't do water changes often enough.
They're slow fish, but they're still very active and appreciate room to swim.

Anyways.. everyone has pretty much said everything I would've.
I'll repeat....It wouldn't kill you or your wallet to give each of your bettas at least a gallon each. You can get tupperware containers if you don't have enough money for a fish bowl.

No it would not kill me to get a gallon tank for my betta. But what I am concerned about is whether or not they need it. And not to be rude or anything, but purchasing tupperware containers sfor a betta is pointless. If your gonna buy fish, at least decorate it so that you (The Human) can enjoy the view. What good is a tank if you can't see them? >.>

Who says betta's don't swim around, my males and females love to swim all over their tanks inspecting things.

If your fish haven't got the space to swim around (which they don't in these little tanks) then how do you know they don't swim around a lot ?

As for not seeing your fish pee'ing, if you lived in an aquatic environment, what colour would your pee be?

You can't see air around you but you breath it.

Waterbeast -
As for feeding once a week to save money, why bother having fishes, you may as well save the fish stress and yourself a wad of money by not buying the fish in the first place then you wouldn't need to dosh out for a tank or food.

How do you know they swim a lot? I've seen betta fish in LFS in huge tanks who just stay in a corner. I don't want to purchase a 10 Gallon Tank just to have him swim nowhere, what a waste of money.

And yes I agree with you that feeding only once a week is just stupid.

well i'm sorry, but right from the start all i'm thinking is TROLL or rather 2 in fact Egyption camel and Waterbeast

A Troll? Just because I asked a question. Its not like I'm swearing or saying anything rude to you users of of the Tropical Fish Forum.

Am i really reading this?? i mean, fish don't poo! one pellet a week! no such thing a amonia build up!!!!!! what the hell, this all sounds like someone just trying to start and argument. So stop wasting every ones time give your fish back and do some proper research on it before you get another one.

In answer to your question a hex is not ideal due to the lack of space but its not un-doable but water changes need to be done AT LEAST every other day.

As for the one pellet a week, your poor fish, thats like you having one sandwich a day probably even less, could you live hapilly and be healthy on that...NO!

Some people!

Start an argument? I'm not trying to start anything. Its a forum, I have the right to state my opinion and question. Because of you guys knowledge I now believe that fish poo and pee. So how am I working anyone up if I am accepting your information. >.> As for ammonia buildup, I have no comment on that. Also, as I stated before.. I agree with everyone that one pellet a week is too little.

Seems to me like these two are just here to start fights.

Gotta' love it, right?

I keep my bettas in "betta-hexes" :



I'm not trying to start anything.

how about we stick you in a bathtub full of water and make you go pee in there for a few days...you wont see it turn yellow right away...but do you really want to keep sitting in your own pee?

for a short time or under certian circumstances, yes a betta can live in a hex, but you have to keep the water clean, I have two baby girls in a 5 gallon and I am doing water changes every day.

you didnt come here for help, you are being an annoying turd and have come to argue and annoy people.

you want to keep them in hex, fine change the water daily and keep the heat turned up a bit in your house so they dont freeze. bettas can be slow and doppy when they cold too.

Why would I want to be stuck in a bathtub full of water and pee? I'm fine just where I am thank you. Oh, and I wouldn't mind sitting in a bathup, its better then sitting in a tiny cup at Wal-Mart full of this so called "ammonia."

Nobody has the time to change the water everyday. We are humans afterall and we are all busy people, even you of the Tropical Fish Forums. And also my room is very warm, why else would these Bettas have bubble nests.
well said, camel. If you ask me I think this forum is biased. :no: Frankly I think it's sad that I share that what was working for me for three years to a beginner and get called a troll...
Quote - How do you know they swim a lot? I've seen betta fish in LFS in huge tanks who just stay in a corner. I don't want to purchase a 10 Gallon Tank just to have him swim nowhere, what a waste of money. - Unquote

As I said I keep and breed betta's my fish are always inspecting their surrounds.

In a pet shop they don't get fed often, they put the fish in with species that are going to attack them, they have fast flowing filters etc etc.

Basically most pet shop buys them in cheap, and wants quick return on them, so they don't have ideal tanks for them and put them into a general tank which a tetra or such like love. Sometimes the fish are kept with tetra's which will as a pack attack any long finned colourful fish.
They don't get fed often (I know one pet shop that only feeds their small fish once a week, the larger more expensive fish like discus get fed more often, but they bring in a higher £ return).

So based on all the above wouldn't you be depressed if you were out of your normal environment, or in with a tank full of fish that constantly attack you so you couldn't hide ?
Quote - How do you know they swim a lot? I've seen betta fish in LFS in huge tanks who just stay in a corner. I don't want to purchase a 10 Gallon Tank just to have him swim nowhere, what a waste of money. - Unquote

As I said I keep and breed betta's my fish are always inspecting their surrounds.

In a pet shop they don't get fed often, they put the fish in with species that are going to attack them, they have fast flowing filters etc etc.

Basically most pet shop buys them in cheap, and wants quick return on them, so they don't have ideal tanks for them and put them into a general tank which a tetra or such like love. Sometimes the fish are kept with tetra's which will as a pack attack any long finned colourful fish.
They don't get fed often (I know one pet shop that only feeds their small fish once a week, the larger more expensive fish like discus get fed more often, but they bring in a higher £ return).

So based on all the above wouldn't you be depressed if you were out of your normal environment, or in with a tank full of fish that constantly attack you so you couldn't hide ?

You know, if you wanted to quote you should just click on the quote button.

I understand what your saying about the big tanks in LFS and I accept your information. But I don't like that your comparing me to a fish, "Wouldn't you be depressed if... Etc." I am not a fish. And don't betta fish have the ability to fight back.. Afterall they are fighting fish. At least that is what I've read from websites.
You 'two' are a bunch of posers.

I have time to change at least a gallon a day in all of my tanks. And by looking at your last post, seems like it took a lot of time to copy and paste all those quotes. Don't give us your bull#### that you don't have time. You ARE on here just to start crap, just because you adamantly* deny that you are, doesn't make it true.


Impervious to pleas, appeals, or reason; stubbornly unyielding. See Synonyms at *

To help you out, there's the definition of adamantly, just so you don't get confused little boy.

If you're here to better yourself and gain knowledge on how to properly care for fish, then fine, no problem. But, when every person is telling you the EXACT same thing... and you still have your head up your ass; not listening to the FACTS, then it's very easy to see that you came here to miff people off. Ammonia exists, it is highly poisonous, and can rapidly build up in small environments to a larger than lethal level. If you had education higher than the 6th grade, you'd know this.
You 'two' are a bunch of posers.

I have time to change at least a gallon a day in all of my tanks. And by looking at your last post, seems like it took a lot of time to copy and paste all those quotes. Don't give us your bull#### that you don't have time. You ARE on here just to start crap, just because you adamantly* deny that you are, doesn't make it true.


Impervious to pleas, appeals, or reason; stubbornly unyielding. See Synonyms at *

To help you out, there's the definition of adamantly, just so you don't get confused little boy.

If you're here to better yourself and gain knowledge on how to properly care for fish, then fine, no problem. But, when every person is telling you the EXACT same thing... and you still have your head up your ass; not listening to the FACTS, then it's very easy to see that you came here to miff people off. Ammonia exists, it is highly poisonous, and can rapidly build up in small environments to a larger than lethal level. If you had education higher than the 6th grade, you'd know this.

Good job on being rude and disrespectful, I applaud you sir.

If I may ask, how many fish do you have and your occupation?(You don't have to answer the occupation question if you don't want to.. Or for that matter any of the questions since you don't seem to be too happy at the moment.)
Just wanted to know because you seem to have enough time to change the water everyday.
You conradicted your own satement.
You said 'Why would betta hexes be created if they weren't for bettas?' Then said 'Well the pet stores create the ammonia test kits to make a profit.' Well then why would they not be creating the hexes to make a profit?
The creater of this post needs to get over their ego and accept the fact that we are thinking about the good of the betta, not of you. We really don't care if you don't have enough space, or that betta hexes look better. We care that the animal is getting a good life, as it would in the wild.
Bettas are living creatures, as are humans, and it is idiotic to say that dogs don't pee just because you send it in the backyard every day and don't watch him do it. Take out your gravel. You will see that in a week, if you feed your betta, he will poo quite a bit. Gravel likes to cover it up. And you will also see in another day or so that there is a yellow substance that is like oil forming around the poo. And if you take out the poo alone, this oily substance will go into the water. That is proof that poo affects the water.

Bettas like space, though they don't need it. With proper care they can survive in this environment (hex) But in a larger tank (1 gallon +) he will thrive, and will look better. You can see the difference it makes. Their colours turn vibrant, they swim from side to side, and you will see their fins clearly. And now for this one we are thinking of you... With a 1 gallon, you will only need to clean it once a week (100%) and if it is more than 4 gallons, yoou only have to do water changes.

And when you say you feed your betta... Are you really feeding it? Or is it one of those 'I give it a healthy veggie flake once a day' kind of statements?
The person that gives their betta a pellet per week is really not thinking of the well being of the betta. Even prisoners get better than that... And your betta has not even commited a crime. Really if you decide to feed only pellets, they should be given 2 PER DAY minimum. Don't think about how cheap it is for you. You are responsible for that animal, and should always be aware of this.
Nobody has the time to change the water everyday. We are humans afterall and we are all busy people, even you of the Tropical Fish Forums. And also my room is very warm, why else would these Bettas have bubble nests.

Erm I have a 125L, 2x 80L, 55L and a 25L and I work a 8hr day + have a very active social life + have a regular excerise regime and I still find time to do water changes on ALL my tanks. Be it weekly for the largest, and daily for the smallest. If you don't have time to look after your fish, then don't keep fish.
To do a partial water change in a small betta hex would take you no more than five minutes! Use a cup to take a couple of cup-fulls of water out. Add dechlorinator to luke warm water and pour it back in slowely. If you are going to keep a batta in such a small container you should at least do this every other - if not every - day. Just my two cents though.
you are just being a #### stirring moron.

you are ingoring people who know a whole crapload more then you do and are argung about it.

as for the comment for having the time to change water in an ity bity tank, I have more then you can ever believe on my plate at the moment and I still take time out of my day to change a tiny bit of water, really are you that slow that it takes you more then 5 min to change an ity bity bit of water?

if you dont have the time for the fish to properly take care of them give them away.
No class today, sever ice storm...So here I sit with my big bowl of hot oatmeal.

I plan on going sledding later today once the weather settles down a bit. What are everyone else's plans for today?
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