What Is Up With My Water

dalios said:
I'd get myself some SeaChem Prime if I were you, when I started using that my results started to read true after a few days.
Think i may get that then seems like good stuff that most people here use.
how do you measure it fishmonkey i read that 10ml does 200L i think, so how would i measure it to do 10L buckets
Sorry for the late response, i use a syringe like fluttermoth suggested, but i add directly to my tank so i don't have to split it between buckets. 
FishMonkey said:
I'd get myself some SeaChem Prime if I were you, when I started using that my results started to read true after a few days.
Think i may get that then seems like good stuff that most people here use.
how do you measure it fishmonkey i read that 10ml does 200L i think, so how would i measure it to do 10L buckets
Sorry for the late response, i use a syringe like fluttermoth suggested, but i add directly to my tank so i don't have to split it between buckets.

I have been wondering about adding the dechlorinator aswell. At the minute I add 10L at a time as my tank is high so just add to each bucket full.
Pain in the butt, I have seen people say they add straight from the tap but I don't understand as surely it would kill the good bacteria because of the chlorine? Or am I imagining an immediate reaction?
People who add chlorinated water straight from the tap often have an well-established external filter which is switched off for the duration of the water change.  Dechlorinator should still be added to the tank though, there is no real reason not to dechlorinate even if the bacteria can survive because chlorine is irritating for fish.  I would not recommend adding water straight from the tap if using an internal or newly established filter.
Mine is an internal filter, but trying to split 2.5ml of dechlorinator between a few buckets is not easy, i think it is safer to just add to the tank if using multiple small buckets, although i did split mine between buckets for a while.
I add 0.25 ml of Prime to a 10L bucket when using buckets, as I usually do for my smaller tanks, using a 1ml syringe.
I use a 3ml syringe to add 3ml of Prime to my 120L tank when filling with a hose.
As an aside, the instructions for different brands of dechlorinators are not always the same, as KirkyArcher has pointed out before.  Prime requires you to add enough for the entire capacity of the tank, when adding water directly to the tank, while others would be toxic at these concentrations and require you to calculate only for the amount of water you are adding.  Just follow the instructions on whatever bottle you have.
Thanks for all the help and info people :)
daizeUK said:
I add 0.25 ml of Prime to a 10L bucket when using buckets, as I usually do for my smaller tanks, using a 1ml syringe.
I use a 3ml syringe to add 3ml of Prime to my 120L tank when filling with a hose.As an aside, the instructions for different brands of dechlorinators are not always the same, as KirkyArcher has pointed out before.  Prime requires you to add enough for the entire capacity of the tank, when adding water directly to the tank, while others would be toxic at these concentrations and require you to calculate only for the amount of water you are adding.  Just follow the instructions on whatever bottle you have.
I think I will stick to my buckets for now. Although my filter is good I would like an external. Thank you for the explanation.

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