What is this???


New Member
Jan 3, 2017
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On his fin right there. It's only gotten bigger. No other fish show signs of this.

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It is hard to see what because the photo is not the best quality, but that is understandable because not everyone can afford quality cameras and it's hard to capture fish.

But it would help if you gave us any symptoms like not eating, floating, hiding or anything like that.

It will also be good to check your water parameters and for how long have you had the fish for.

Did you cycle the rank. There can be many reasons just try to be more specific. Thanks


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There's a little better picture. Had him for almost four months. Almost 1.5". Had him since I began cycle when I started the tank. Hasn't grown much. Eats enough I would guess.. nitrate: 20ppm nitrite: 0 ammonia: 0 water is pretty hard. And more alkaline then not.

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If I'm not wrong that is a ram and rams prefer a lower ph. Around 6.5 to 7. But I unfortunately still cannot see what is it on his fin. Maybe you could describe it and then I would see. Otherwise if there is no other abnormal behavior I wouldn't be stressing that much but maybe somebody else here can help you.

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He's a jack dempsey... so he should be like four inches by now

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Another reason I'm freaking out.

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Idk it's that white sliver.. looks like it could be fuzzy. It was about half the size it is now. So now I'm worried.

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I am sorry but I cant think of anything at the moment. Try doing a large water change(if not already done) approximate 50% and continue doing 30% wc daily. That is what I would recommend but remember to treat your tap water. And I would suggest waiting for others more knowledgeable about this topic to answer you.

Hope you figure out what is going on.

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There's a little better picture. Had him for almost four months. Almost 1.5". Had him since I began cycle when I started the tank. Hasn't grown much. Eats enough I would guess.. nitrate: 20ppm nitrite: 0 ammonia: 0 water is pretty hard. And more alkaline then not.

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Nitrates, Nitrites, and ammonia should ALL be zero. Do an immediate 50% water change of dechlorinated water that is the same temperature as the tank water to avoid temperature shocking the fish. High nitrates, ammonia, and nitrites are toxic to fish and cause stress, stress in turn causes fish illness. Please also answer the following questions.

What size is your tank?
How long have you had the tank and has it been fully cycled?
What other fish do you have in the tank?
What temperature do you keep it at?
What behavioral symptoms does the fish have? (for example, labored breathing, rubbing against ornaments, pale, not eating, hanging near the waters surface and very little movement, clamped fins, paleness of the body, etc)
How often do you clean the tank and vacuum the gravel?
How often and at what quantity do you do water changes?
What does the area on the fish's fin look like? Is it a sore? Is it red? Is if white and fuzzy? Since we cannot see the picture clearly its important you give us as much detail as possible so we can give you the correct advice.
Also don't worry too much about the growth of him. They grow slowly

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Nitrates in the tank is a naturally occurring result of the end of a nitogen cycle, a result of 20pp is actually ok, any higher than 40pp then your nitrates are HIGH, so 20pp or ideally lower, is fine.
Also, he is probably small because you had him in the tank whilst it was cycling, this actually does more damage to your fish than you know. His growth is probably stumped, his immune system is probably low and will take some time for it to rebuild. The fuzzy growth is probably a bacterial infection from the effects of an Infish cycle.
It can take a year before he's in good health again.... Think of it this way, if you was put into a room with no windows, no fresh air and forced to live there with just a forever changing chemical reaction engulfing your space, you would be in ill health for a very long time.
I would do a 50% water change, then another a couple of days later, make sure the water is good and it should hopefully go.
Okay thank you for the insightful information and actually reading what I wrote. I will do some good water changes and up the amount for future changes to 50%. And I hope he gets better.

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It's difficult to see from the photo but if it's white and on a fin it could be a calcium deposit, which would make sense given your water is very hard, but it does look rather large for a calcium deposit, without a clearer photo it's difficult to say.

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