What Is This?


Jack Of All Trades
Jul 11, 2009
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i do not know what plant this is and now this thing is coming out of it.


as always help is appreciated
It's a flower shoot. Once it gets to the surface you should see a small flower. The plant if some kind of sward I think.
as Truck said ^ it looks like an amazon sword of some kind, dont know what the shoot is, but it being a flower shoot is probably right ^
Hello I had this on mine and this is what the plant looks like now:

when the plant gets about that big can i snip it and replant it in the gravel?

and yes it was an amazon sword, i forgot the nam but it suddenly clicked again
also is the sword gonna keep doing this? i dont mind i just want to be prepared, if by chance i get annoyed with the plant, is there a way to make it stop growing new plants?
i don't think it is a flower shoot but just a runner.
the runners usually are buried but if the runner had started growing before it was put in your tank it would have been uprooted and left mid-water.
i have had the plant for a month now so unless they grow slow then speed up quickly it would not have been in he ground
At only a month, you probably have indeed had a small shoot that started growing more recently. Either the flower stalk of the side shoots are possible. I never seem to get a plant in good enough condition for that kind of thing to start quickly. That means several months after I have a plant, a shoot will start. More often than not it is just an offset like the later pictures show but sometimes I do get a flower stock. Each swollen node in that shoot could become a new plant start.
thanks, when it grows roots can i just replant it?
When an offset has leaves and roots, you can clip the connecting shoot and plant the roots. You want to give the plant time to develop a good root system just to be on the safe side.
When an offset has leaves and roots, you can clip the connecting shoot and plant the roots. You want to give the plant time to develop a good root system just to be on the safe side.

thanks alot

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