Poor baby. His eyes look very sad. His body looks like some roast beef though.Update, just managed a picture, poor ladView attachment 134606
Sadly Fascinating ?It's interesting tho, isn't it
Stay tuned for the next amazing chapter in "What the fuplie is this on my fish?"
He would be glad to know all of us are rooting for him. ? For so many of us to care so much about him gives me some hope in humanity ❤ Thank You.Hi guys, people were asking for more pictures so I have got some. I’ve only seen the one on his left gill open up but as you can see there is now one on each gill, and potentially two more towards his tail.
Whilst I appreciate suggestions about manually removing it, I really don’t think I could manage to do something so gentle and intricate, also, I haven’t actually seen it “open up” for the last 24 hours or so...
New pictures attached...
My Bn had this . It looks the exact same . I donot believe it is contagious. I used a half gallon container with fresh decloronized water. Add a little more than recommended aquarium salt and 1 drop of kordon rapid cure. Make sure the salt and rapid cure are fully dissolved/mixed. Place fish in the container for a couple minutes. Take the fish out and put on a secure flat area. Now get a q tip and dip it in 3% hydrogen peroxide and swab the infected area well. Do not over saturate the fish with hydrogen peroxide. Just swab the infected areas good. Put the fish back into the solution for a couple minutes and repeat the swab procedure 1 more time. Get another container and add decloronized fresh water and put the fish in it for about 5 minutes. Put fish back into the aquarium he should be good in 3 days to a week. This worked for me.Hi,
So I recently noticed some white cotton-ish growth on my male BN, around his gills - started on only one side and then quickly became evident on the other side too. I immediately took some photos and went to my LFS who suggested its probably a fungus (i suspected this!). I purchased some treatment, and checked dose multiple times before treating his entire tank (about 2pm today). Unfortunately on this occasion I was not able to quarantine him.
Tonight (about 8pm-ish) I noticed this on my BN. Struggled to video it, but fortunately did eventually manage! I dont know how I would explain it without a video? (Converted to animated GIF for the forum)
PLEASE PLEASE help with a diagnosis and suggestions on how to best treat him? This does not look good!
Thanks in advance!
(Offended gasp) how could you!? They're such little cuties!!Plecs in general are horrid
Heck no ? they're horrifying....(Offended gasp) how could you!? They're such little cuties!!
Some are cute! You're just looking in the wrong places!Heck no ? they're horrifying....
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"Some are cute! You're just looking in the wrong places!
Same here! Got myself a little teary-eyed when I was making that thread about common plecos. They look so beautiful when they're fully grown. They may be fat lards, but they're my fat lards ?"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"
Personally, I think they are gorgeous...