What Is This? I Did Not Plant This.


Feb 12, 2006
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Tampa, Florida, USA
what is this wird plant i found in my tank after doing a water change?

it wa found on the filter. growing from the actual filter cartridge.

the tank is planted with riccia, javamoss, java fern , jungel vals, glosso, swords, corksctews, and a red leafed plant, and let me geta a pic also cause i dont know all of the names.

this is the plant i dont know what it is????

its not hurting the flow so im going to wait a few days to see what happenes? i thought riccia had to grow in water?
Definitely looks like Riccia to me. As a naturally floating plant, I'm sure as long as it's very moist, it will grow just fine. But I'd remove it to keep the flow of the filter as it should be.
Is the plant actually attached to anything? Ie it isnt floating about? Riccia cant attach to things, so wondering if it Monosolenium tenerum (''Pellia'')? Which is a liverwort.

Is the plant actually attached to anything? Ie it isnt floating about? Riccia cant attach to things, so wondering if it Monosolenium tenerum (''Pellia'')? Which is a liverwort.


I reckon you might be right there Themuleous! Have a look at these pics of Monosolenium tenerum and i think they look pretty silmilar, although maybe a bit darker in colour.

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