What Is This Fish?


New Member
Sep 1, 2013
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I have 3 of rhese little guys. you can see the aproximate size from the rummynose next to him.. her.. whatever it is. Just curious as to what they are. They seem a bit shy but happy in the tank. Thanks for any help. IMG_20130901_135426-294393562.jpg
Looks like a Bumblebee Goby.

They are best suited for brackish water... but can tolerate fresh, they need a lot of hiding places, caves and such...'
How big is the tank you are keeping him in and what is the current stocking?
It's a Bumble Bee Goby - Brachygobius doriae. They can be very nippy. I've got one that has to live alone because they are predatory. They stay small, under an inch long, and although are famed for brackish water - Mine is in Freshwater :)
Paradise3 said:
It's a Bumble Bee Goby - Brachygobius doriae. They can be very nippy. I've got one that has to live alone because they are predatory. They stay small, under an inch long, and although are famed for brackish water - Mine is in Freshwater
They can actually grow to 1 1/2 inches, and yes, are very nippy and highly territorial. 
I have a 28 gallon cube. Between a couple pieces of driftwood and plants there are a lot of hiding spots. As far as the aggressiveness goes I have not had any issues. The 3 goby live with 5 other rummeynose, 5 danios, and a couple cardinal tetras. If anything the gobys seem to be the least aggressive fish. The danios seem to do more chasing and food hording than anything else in there. Thanks for the responses. It would have been nice to know that they preffer brackish water when I got them but oh well. They are doing fine :)

Edit: I forgot the bristlnose pleco. He loves munching the underside of the driftwood so much we don't get to see him too often.

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