What Is This Fish ?


New Member
Jan 12, 2013
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No idea what this fish is I love it though anyone got any ideas ?

Rock kribensis. Can be gold silver black etc. it is part of the cichlid family.
Size: Males-5 inches, Females-3.5 inches.
Sexual Maturity: .75 inches
Sexual Dimorphism: Males are larger than females, and are a lot more colorful than the females which are brownish-gray.

Small Rock Kribs can easily be kept and bred in a 10 gallon tank with some rocks. As they get larger a 20-40 would be suitable. I recommend putting them with Malawians and Central and South Americans because they are good dither fish, and although they aren’t aggressive, can easily defend themselves.
I know I have read somewhere that there is a discrepancy between which is the Pelmatochromis....and Pelvicachromis..... Some resources claims that they are all the same..... and Pelmatichromis should never have been labelled as different.....??.... Call it a Kribensis Pulcher then.....
Source: http://www.borstein.com/sam/?Species_Profiles:Victorian_and_Satelite_Lakes:paralabidochromis_sp._%22Rock_Kribensis%22
Ludwig Venter said:
I know I have read somewhere that there is a discrepancy between which is the Pelmatochromis....and Pelvicachromis..... Some resources claims that they are all the same..... and Pelmatichromis should never have been labelled as different.....??.... Call it a Kribensis Pulcher then.....
I would just say its a cichlid. That way you follow standard precautions. Only same types and slowly acclimate any other type of fish by watching behaviors. If any fish is glaring at another it may be smart to remove the type causing problems or the type you just added. I take it very slow when adding new fish to cichlid tanks and watch them religiously. I don't really care the type I just know the entire family should belong on a Jerry springer show so I make sure they don't fued too much or I fix it.
It looks like a young/harassed female Kribensis to me, Pelvicachromis pulcher or however it is spelled.
She has very tatty fins and I suspect isn't very colourful because she has had a good beating recently. If you have just got her... she will likely start to look better and better with good food and water quality. If you have had her a while, I would suggest you look at who is beating her up and bullying her.
Could be lighting causing color reduction. I changed recently to bulbs that favor plants more then color of fish and well it sucks :/. Will have to upgrade hood soon for dual bulbs. He could be in the same boat.
Agree with MBOU, looks like a very pale and harassed Pelvicachromis Pulcher(Common Kribensis). My female looked like this when I first introduced her to the male as she was terrified of him. What other fish do you have that could be bullying her?
Thanks guys , only just got it today so probably stressed with the travelling etc
someone might have dumped it on him...Etc. it doesnt mean he bought it.
Indeed , but unless it's the only fish in his tank I personally don't think it's a good idea to house a new fish without doing research don't you think?

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