What Is This Fish? He Looks Like A Rainbow, But Not Really.


New Member
Aug 8, 2005
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I just bought a juvenile "exasperatus" from my LFS for $5.99 (I thought the price could possibly help in identification :D ).

I looked up exasperatus and there appear to be two or three different genuses with exasperatus species, but none resembles my fish at all.

Here's a rainbow with a horizontal, blotchy black bar like the new fish has, and somewhat similar overall coloring:


And here's my fish (looking pretty washed out - the horizontal bar is completely invisible - but not to worry, he seems to be doing fine otherwise):


There's also a prominent black blotch on the dorsal fin, which is red across the top. The coloring sort of reminds me of a Ram with the yellow, turquoise and black this fish has when he's more saturated.
I think that belongs on the new world cichlid section, its not African and its definiatly not the multispinosa as in the top photo. you may get more joy there. :good:
If you go to the post a few doors down (upload your cichlid tanks here) go through it till you come to the photo of rixies old tank, you will see a couple of cichlids that look very similar, so maybe rixy will know what they are!!!!!
Heres a picture of my Salvini, although the fins are clamped a little because hes swimming in that shot, if you look closely you can see the dark patch in the central area of the dorsal fin. Also if you look at the fin pattern from body to tip (red to cyan to red again) its the same as your fish.

I would be inclined to agree that your fish is indeed a Salvini Cichlid (sometimes called Tri-Colour Cichlids at some LFS). Yours though is obviously a juvenile and the colour will come out when it matures.


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