What Is This Cloning Business All About Then?


Fish Crazy
Jul 10, 2006
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i guess that maybe you use the filter media from one filter to create a second but how does it exactly work?
Various ways you can do this:

move some of the filter media (say, one of the sponges) from the old tank to the new

run some of the filter media from the new tank in the new for a couple of weeks

squeeze some of the filter media from old tank over filter media from new tank

added to this, you can top it up with adding some gravel from the old tank into new tank
Basically it involves running your new filter alongside your old one for a couple of weeks so it develops it's own bacteria load. This will help shorten or avoid the initial spikes of ammonia and nitrate (if enough bacteria is on the new media) when you put it in the new tank.

*edit* Heh.. Dwarfgourami types faster than me :)
ah right - no more complicated than i thought

excellent - one cloned tank coming up (hopefully)

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