What is this and how do I get rid of it?!?


New Member
Jan 5, 2023
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Long Island
Recently, I’ve had a “bloom” of brown hair algae. It is on my live plants, decorations and even on an Apple snail’s shell! I was recommended to use the above product. I bought it, brought it home and reading the directions, it’s a plant fertilizer! Wouldn’t that also feed the algae? I haven’t put it in yet. If anyone has used this product to rid their tank of brown hair algae, please let me know about your experience with it and if it worked. Thank you in advance.
The active ingredient in excel is glutaraldehyde. Glutaraldehyde is used to sterilise medical equipment and can act as a mild algaecide. It can be poisonous to fish. Its not a fertiliser.

The idea of this product to aid plant growth is that it will remove some algae from the plant leafs surface and it is then better able to take up CO2 from the water.
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Thank you so much for your reply. I’ll attach some pictures. In your opinion, should I use a small amount for what’s on the plants? Some of the broad leafed plants have an “ dust” on them as well. I pruned the really bad ones.
All water parameters are as close to perfect as I can possibly get.
Odd! I have no idea, but I bet @Byron or @StevenF would know.

It looks a bit like biofilm, anything new in the tank recently like a wood piece? Does this stuff clean away if you try to syphon it out? What does it feel like?
Sorry for double post, but forgot to say - I really like your tank and scape! Glofish aren't usually something I go for, but I really like the striking depth and style of the scape, and the pops of colour while also having some of their normally coloured version there too - it's really visually striking, and the plants look great and healthy, despite the white fuzz.
Odd! I have no idea, but I bet @Byron or @StevenF would know.

It looks a bit like biofilm, anything new in the tank recently like a wood piece? Does this stuff clean away if you try to syphon it out? What does it feel like?
Good Afternoon! Thank you for replying. Nothing new added to tank in 18 months (except my black skirt tetras babies: at LEAST 2-3 new ones that survive PER MONTH!) It’s slimy and does rinse off when I wash everything. But back again within 48 hours. Strange. I’ve been keeping aquariums for 3 decades and have never come across this. I just wanted to make sure it is not dangerous to my fish. I have been doing more frequent water changes since it appeared. I’m literally scratching my head on what it is!
Sorry for double post, but forgot to say - I really like your tank and scape! Glofish aren't usually something I go for, but I really like the striking depth and style of the scape, and the pops of colour while also having some of their normally coloured version there too - it's really visually striking, and the plants look great and healthy, despite the white fuzz.
Wow! I am honored! Thank you for your generous compliments. It is such a fun hobby, and I consider my fish friends just as important as my two cats and the rest of my family. Here are a few more photos if you are interested. Thank you again.
Temp: 79 F
Ammonia: 0 ppm
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Nitrate: 19 ppm
pH: 6.9
I use a granular phosphate remover in filter
Additives attached. Per directions for 60 gallon tank.
Thank you.
The only thing you need to add is the AquaSafe, a dechlorinator, though there are better ones on the market. AquaSafePlus contains a lot of colloids to "stimulate the slime coat".

The waste control and sludge eliminator are not needed as your tank will grow all the bacteria needed to do this. You don't need the ammonia detoxifier as you should have enough bacteria and plants to do this.

Adding all those chemicals is not good for the fish. All you need is a dechlorinator and maybe some plant fertiliser.
The only thing you need to add is the AquaSafe, a dechlorinator, though there are better ones on the market. AquaSafePlus contains a lot of colloids to "stimulate the slime coat".

The waste control and sludge eliminator are not needed as your tank will grow all the bacteria needed to do this. You don't need the ammonia detoxifier as you should have enough bacteria and plants to do this.

Adding all those chemicals is not good for the fish. All you need is a dechlorinator and maybe some plant fertiliser.
Can you recommend something better than Aquasafe?

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