What is this addiction????


May 16, 2004
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I went to Wal Mart(I know,I know)because the lfs doesn't carry the water test kit I want.They had fresh bettas in and of course I had to have a look.I was just gonna look...not buy any...honest ;)

I justified the first new selection because my foster betta will be returning to the preschool :-( ...under my supervision,of course.

And I had to get the second one because his cup was more than half empty.Maybe some would see it as almost half full,but it was barely enough water to cover him :grr:

Both are beautiful fishies.Light bodies with colorful tails and fins.I didn't really get a full appreciation for how fine they are until I got home.Not thinking,I set the pathetic little cups on the counter when I got home.And POOF!!!.... fish in full flare mode in the full cup and a modified flare in the low water cup :wub: :wub:

Did I mention that a few days ago I was taken in by the charms of little female betta? Yes....'fraid so :*) She has her own home because I don't know enough about breeding......(yet).Now she's gazing around at the new additions and they are gazing back.

I hate to admit it but I almost bought a new 10g tank. They were all sold out though :whistle:

I am hooked on bettas :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

Gonna try and get pics if my digital will cooperate.

Those cups always look half empty to me Koda, you are not alone! :lol:

Betta isles are deadly. :hyper: I want to train someone to scope out the scene who I can send in before me and tell me if it's "safe" or if there is one that is worth it. I can never leave without one.

I swear bettas are like crack, in a good way :p
Arashi said:
Sorrell said:
I swear bettas are like crack, in a good way :p
lol! I agree! I've got my five already and I'm still itching for places where I can put new tanks. :p
I just got my first betta this week. I walked past the betta isle at walmart too and almost got a few more. I'm now planning a 5 gallon tank divided to bring home 2 more soon :wub:
Congrats Koda! If I were you, I would have gotten the store to write me a raincheck for the 10 gallon. Just think- put a couple dividers in, and you've got room for even more bettas :hyper:

Can't wait to see your new guys, and the girl as well :)
Hilariously funny thread. :rofl: Mainly because I know EXACTLY what you mean about not daring to go near the Betta section. Ah of all the addictions we could have, keeping living jewels like these has to be the coolest. It beats collecting cow or cat salt and pepper shakers...for me anyways.


Query: How the bleep do I get my profile pic to show up on my posts?

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