What Is The Price Of Cardinals In Your Area?

Mar 27, 2008
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England, Northamptonshire
Went to my LFS today for some shoaling fish. Was thinking of some cardinals. Got the and saw they had some nice looking ones in the tanks!

They were 6 for £21... i was like O MY GOD.. what a rip off. I can remember the last time i brought cardinals about a year ago, they were about 50p more then neons!

Instead I got some neons.. 10 for £9 and got a free one too.

Anyone experiencing these high prices?
I bought a pair of RAMS for £14 and the next day in a diffeent branch they were £25 for a pair beause they came from a different supplier
They were around $10+ in my area for a while. All the stores got them wild caught, they were in horrible condition, never seemed to acclimate to the local water conditions, and most of them died after a few days in the store, so the price was jacked up to cover the losses. The last month or so the price has dropped to $5.
£2.50 each here. They were on offer at Maiden Head Aquatics in Radyr at 8 for £10 not long ago, so i bought 16. EVERY SINGLE ONE died! theres no reason why they would die in my tank as all the stats are stable and the tank is what i would call mature. (also took out a couple of neons)
£2.50 each here. They were on offer at Maiden Head Aquatics in Radyr at 8 for £10 not long ago, so i bought 16. EVERY SINGLE ONE died! theres no reason why they would die in my tank as all the stats are stable and the tank is what i would call mature. (also took out a couple of neons)

Same problem plagued the ones in my area for a long time. I finally got a good (maybe even right) explanation out of one dealer - the bulk of them were wild caught and arrived in Michigan in poor shape and acclimated to very soft water. People with discus tanks softened with R/O water had good luck with them, but they rarely survived being acclimated to the hard tap water.
Around £1.50 - £2.00 each around here.
I'd tell the LFS where to shove them at 6 for £21.

£2.75 each here --- looks like the most expensive so far..
then they wil lower it to 2.15 if you'll purchase 9 above


robbery ehh! welcome to London!!!

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