What Is The Ph Level In Your Tank?


Fish Herder
Mar 18, 2011
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas, USA
Now that I have 2 pieces of Mopani wood and live plants my pH stays in the range of 6.4 to 6.6. The folks at Seneye apparently think 6.4 is too low because the lowest reading on their pH chart is 6.4 and when my tank reaches that level the pH warning light illuminates and I receive a text message and email that my pH is too low. So I was curious as to what the pH readings are in other member's tanks. ????
7.8, and since I have very hard water, that's where it's staying.
5.4 because i am breeding my discus and apistos in my main tank. I guess the new co2 system helps to lol :lol: .
ph 6.6.

Does the filter bacteria become affected if Ph too low?:crazy:
Its naturally at 7.6 in my tank due to wood, but my tap is 7.8

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